Chap 8- Ayato!

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All eyes are on her. How can they not be surprised when Ayato's name uttered from her mouth. Is this a sign? Her memories are back little by little?

"Yu...Yui! him?" Komori Seiji quickly comes to Yui's side holding her shoulders gently. He looks a bit worried and at the same time happy if Yui already regain her memories.

The tears fall from Yui's eyes when she one more looks into Ayato's eyes. Her crimson red intimidating eyes which hold many emotions that can't be interpret by others. The eyes which had captivated Ayato's interest and the beginning of their relationship that started to blossom.

But...Yui shakes her head. She shows them the warmest smile but she said no.

"I'm sorry for blubbering like that but I don't remember him." although the tears still falling like tiny pearl to her lap, she feels guilty for giving hope to them.

"Then... why did you call 'Ayato-kun' just now? You seem to remember something." This time Reiji opens his mouth. He is a bit curious on how she can call Ayato like she knows him.

"'s not that. I thought he is so familiar so I call...him." The others just look at each other not knowing what to say. Only Raito who leans himself onto the wall is having a long thought.

"Its better you call the doctor, Komori-san. Maybe this is a good sign." support Reiji giving a little pat on the old man's back. Komori Seiji also agree. He needs to see the doctor immediately.

"I'm sorry. I need to go to the wash room." Ayato quickly opens the ward. Wash room is the only reason he can give to them. He was startled. Those cute mouth when she called his name makes his heart flutter. And when the cries fall from her intimidating eyes down to her cheeks wetting her face, he almost got a heart attack.

The emotions held in the eyes. Longing for something. Does it mean, she longs for him?

No way, she does not remember me. Maybe I gave her a nostalgic feeling.

"Oh no...Ayato... what are you getting involve at now?"


"Doctor! What about my daughter?"

"Don't worry Komori-san. Yui-san is fine. However, she is still not recovered. If you say she already showed a sign to know some people, then I'm sure she will regain her memories back. Maybe, small pieces of her memories are back unconsciously."

"But... the way she looked at him... I can sense that she feels something towards him although I don't know what it is."

"I'm not sure about that. Something must have triggered her to remember that person. that person is very close to your daughter?"

"Close?... but I thought they just meet once."

"Once? This is just my suggestion. If you daughter showed her sign around that person, why don't you ask for his help. Maybe she will regain her memories back when she is around him."

"Are you sure doctor?"

"That's only my suggestion but I think you better try."


"Ayato-kun, I'm sorry for suddenly calling you out alone here. You must be curious." Ayato waits for what will come from Seiji's mouth next. Komori Seiji suddenly called him alone to meet him outside Shuu's ward. After visiting Yui, all of them make a quick visit to Shuu.

Yui felt asleep after tired of crying herself out. She didn't even get to see Ayato for the last time before she dozed off.

"Its nothing. What is it, Komori-san?"

"Ayato-kun, may I ask you...are you close to my daughter before?"

"Close? No.. we just met once. That's all. She's close to Shuu. After all he is her boyfriend." Why is Yui's father talks to him about this. He can't help but feel uneasy.

"I want you to help me, Ayato-kun. Since you see just now, Yui said she is familiar with you. I thought if you are around my daughter, it can help to regain her memories back."

"Me?! But I'm not even close to her. How..."

"Don't worry Ayato-kun. If you don't want to do this, I undestand. I will not force you." the old man gives him smile although he can see the disappointed look he held in his eyes. He felt guilty wether it will be a help if he follow what Seiji's want.

First of all, it will be bad for my heart if I have to be around her when she's sick like this. But, if she regain her memories, doesn't it will help Shuu too.

Ayato thinks what will happen when Shuu wakes up knowing his girlfriend forget about him. It must be painful like being stab in the heart.

"Komori-san, wait!" the old man looks at him. His eyes contain hopes that Ayato will change his mind.

"I....will help you. Let me..... be a use to help your daughter in getting her memories back. I...I don't want her to lost such precious memories she had before especially....with someone she loves."

"Thank you...Thanks Ayato-kun. I know you are a good man." Seiji's tears fall from his eyes wetting his old face.


"Are you sure, you are okay doing this things, Ayato-kun?" a banana in his hand, he peels it one by one waiting for the answer of his blood related brother. Its rare to have Raito coming to Ayato's room since Ayato don't like people coming in and out of his room including girls who wants to get into his pants.

"Yeah. I will help Shuu." he lies down on his bed thinking over and over again about what he is doing.

"I just hope you will not regret on this later."

"No, I will not." Raito sighs. He walk towards the bed room door opening it and he mutters something,

"Hopefully not.".

Diabolik Lovers Fanfiction(Ayato x Yui)Where stories live. Discover now