Chapter one

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we see a young girl named Abby Crothers.
Her facial features are a oval shaped face with high cheek bones, pointy chin, long nose, thin lips, long eyelashes and eyebrows with blue eyes,dimples,pale white with dark black hair with a cyan neon blue mood lighting on her face mixing with the black complete darkness of the black room interior which was a jet black walls and floors,ceiling with a very small blue neon dimmed lighting shaped like a tear in the ceiling symbolizing her sadness and depression.

the feelings of atmosphere by the color/effect,the mood lighting to evoke her emotions.

the yellow-orange sunrise shined on her delicate body form,

creating a sad/happy feel angelic ambience.

the camera slowly pans slowly to see abby quietly sleeps as the sunrise slowly reflects on her face creating a angelic dreamy astrophere.

she sighed and slowly smacks her lips.

the camera slowly zooms in her iphone screen alarm clock saying To Put Up With You by Paul Williams.

it blares out in the background,fitting the tone and mood of the scene.

Paul Williams sings the verse

yes i'd like to hang around
but i'll have to let you down
i just haven't got what it takes
to put up with you

it syncs with abby slowly having a running tear dripping from her eyelid as she whispered noo,noo while gritting her teeth in emotional pain.

we slowly zoom in to see abby slowly fluttering her eyes open.

her facial expressions are blank,feeling incomplete.

she now grabbed the volume contol of the alarm clock and turned it up to feel paul's voice echoing around her to drown out her sadness, uses Paul Williams music to drown out the painful memories and imagery she has emotionally.

she turns her head to face a mirror hung in her bedroom post,
she looks herself in the mirror as she felt complete sadness as she heard the verse

there's really nothing to gain
i won't be a part of your chain of broken hearts

as soon she let the verse soothingly fill her ears, she felt a urge to cry as she began to reach out to her reflection

she sobbed as she squeezed her eyelids tightly.

she completely sighed in relief and looked at the iphone clock.

she began to put her finger on the screen and changed the song via picking In The Morning I Will Be Moving On By Paul Williams.

she laid on her back on her bed.

she now completly feels the urge to cry more as she heard the verse blared out,overwhelming her

i'm not the type to hang around
chasing shadows
when the sun has gone

once again i'm leavin'
mornin' i'll be movin' on

as the song continues playing the verse

save my tears until tomorrow
i'll pass them by, i've got to try

it syncs with she puts her hands on the bed as she struggled to stand up.

she finally stood on her two feet.

the camera follows abby as she walked out of her bed,

she is completly nude to symbolize her deep sadness,her nude masculine shaped featured body with extremely undeveloped breasts was her completely flat chest making her looking like a boy symbolizing her raw deep sadness in physical form.
She is 5 foot 4 when standing up from her bed.

she walked over to see a large black and white rectangle picture of her boyfreind.

abby heard the music automatically change to a another of Paul's songs titled Sad Song as to fit her emotions like a mood ring as the alarm clock which has a settng which can read how she feels via motion sensor technology,putting songs to fit exactly how she felt.

that's a sad song
that used to be our song
the one you just played

i wonder if i'd stayed what we'd be doing now

it syncs with abby now looking at her boyrfriend's picture with sadness on her lips,her chin trembling so hard as she tried not to cry as paul's voice overwhelmed her.

she felt to feel the tears breaking from her eyelids, dripping from her eyes as she heard the verse

and every word rang true like a bell somehow
when i ran off chasing visions my emotions made me blind
like a fool i left behind my angel's glow

it syncs with abby sobbing hard as she began to put her hand gently stting on where her boyfriend's face was.

as she heard the next verse

let those tears and sweet memories flow

she balled her fist and hit the picture with anger,

leaving a hole in the wall.

her facial expressions were anger,hurt,confused in once,overwhelming her.

she now calmed down and looking at the floor.

she feels complete slience as the song ends,

bringing a ambient atmosphere.

she walks towards her closet and opens the doors

she picks out a satin black long sleeved shirt,black men's tie,black demin jeans,black converse shoes.

she felt empowered as she wore it.

the color black symbolizes her darkness.

she started grabbing her bookbag hanging from her doorhandle,

she slung it around her shoulder.

she heard the verse from the song Time as she got ready for school

i feel you movin' on
as you'll go on forever
time, rolling into years
years that left me walking

she now opens her bedroom door as she unlocked it and swung it open.

she goes through a complete white narrow hallway.

the color white symbolized her empty life.

she almost reached the front door as she felt her iphone vibrating.

she picks it up from her pocket.

she answers it and yelled,what the hell do you want?

she heard Sarah Trompson's voice.

Sarah said,why are you acting like this?

this is not like you!

Abby replied,you know my boyfriend died in a car crash ny a drunk driver.

i just can't really cope with it really!

Sarah lets out a angry sigh and said, well that is your own choice to mope around.

thats not the abby i know!

the abby i know was strong and positive.

Abby says,ohh sarah.

you are full of shit because you dont know how much dean's death affected me.

you dont understand.

Sarah got so angry and yelled,you ungrateful prick

do you hear me!

i understand and miguel does too.

he was so deeply worried about you.

all i'm saying is that you have all the support from your best friends.

i just can't to see you suffer.

Abby sighed and says,i will see you at school.
abby hung up on sarah then putting her iphone back in her pocket.

Abby Where stories live. Discover now