Chapter eight

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After the dream ends,
Abby waves to Paul and smiled with tears filled with pure joy.
Paul kisses Abby on her forehead and asked,I know you enjoyed the music video.
Tell me,
do you feel better
Abby smiled with her teeth showing up her child like innocence.
Paul says,Are you happy?
Abby says,I'm always happy to be around you.
Paul says,That's good to hear.
Abby sees Paul walking away from her and disappeared from her sight.
A few minutes later,
abby now saw swan walking away from her as she walks toward a parking garage a distance away.
she now sighed,
looked down on her arm and read her iwatch.
it now reads 8:00pm on the display screen.
she looked up and sighed in fustration.
Abby now plays on her iPhone and puts her iPhone earbuds on in her ears
The verse Filled Her Ears As She Stopped Everything She Was Doing And Started Listening To The Words To Paul Williams Lone star song That Was Currently Playing closely.
As The Words Filled Her Ears, Her Eyes Widened.
Lone star, on your roller coaster ride
How much longer can you keep it all inside
Are you happy under cover
She lowered her head, the tears once more streaming down over her face,
Noticing the sunset.
The oranges, yellows and pinks seem to make her sink glow in such a way that made her even more beautiful then she already was.
Abby now hears the verse and swayed her body to the song's melody,
When you ride the range
Of emotions to the top of the hill
Surreal explosions
Made of hot breath and chills
Staying home might be a welcome change
This could be the start of something strange
The song lyrics synced As Abby sat there staring out over the sunset all the memories of every life changing event this very spot had been a witness to came flooding back to her.
she now walks a mile and now in front of the parking garage.
it was a large black rectangle building with red horizontal glass tinted windows.
before she walks in the garage.
she sees a black glass door with a red card slot where the doorknob supposed to be.
abby now gets a card from her jacket pocket and swipes the card in.
she is now in the hotel like lobby of the parking garage.
the interior was a red and black swirls marble flooring with vantablack walls,
a red rectangle velvet desk with a black crow sitting on the counter of the desk,
a orange and yellow,red tinted lighting creating a hellish look and feel of the lobby.
abby felt extremly warm as she felt the hot hell-like heating from the lobby.
she is at the middle center of the lobby and began to walk towards the lobby.
she saw a lady in her 30's walking back to the desk.
the mysterious lady wore a satin black men's suit with red men's shoes.
the lady has blond short hair,black framed glasses.
her facial features are a round shape,short nose,masculine type of cheekbones and jawline,thin pink lips.
she has a motherly type of quanity.
she is very slim and tall at 6 foot 2.
her name is Melanie Allan poe
she began to sit down on the desk chair,
then looked up at abby as she puts her right arm up and laid her chin
on top of her hand.
abby now stared at melanie.
melanie says to abby,Oh, goodness me look at who is here,
hey sweetie..
Nice to see you.
how are you abby?
I hope you are doing well. Your father told me what has been up with you lately.
abby began to stride towards the front of the desk,
petting the crow's head.
the friendly crow made relaxing sounds as abby petted it.
Abby says,Daddy made a music video for me with the song I Know You. It is so heart touching I could listen to his songs all day.
melanie smilied and says,He sure has some talent hasn't he?
hey abby...
Is there anything you would like to tell me?
abby began walking behind the desk,
she hugged melanie from behind her while her arms were surrounding
melanie's shoulders.
melanie laughed and smilied.
abby walked back to the front of the desk.
melanie says,Thanks,
what can i do for my favorite neice.
abby says,Yes.
can you give me the key card for my car.
melanie stands up and turns around to face a red large touchsceen
displaying abby's card retrieve
melanie pushed the button displaying yes.
the sound of the card retrieving machine was a loud violent young Female teenager going through teenage childbirth labor screaming audio.
the card came out out via a large rectangle hole in the monitor case.
she sees the card and it's a complete white background with red letters saying abby's.
melanie now gives the card to abby.
abby now grabbed the card from melanie's hand.
melanie says,There you go.
i hope you have a great day at school.
You hear?
abby smilied and still held the card in her palm,
tighting it around her fist.
melanie noticed Abby's hand and saw it didn't bleed.
she began to ask about it but decided not to.
abby began to walk away from melanie.
melanie sees abby walking towards the elevator which was a complete white metal exterior doors with a red elevator door button next to the doors.
abby now sees the elevator doors open wide for her to enter.
she enters inside the elvator and disappeared from out of sight.
melanie now sighed and petted her pet crow gently.
the crow made noises like hmm in a relaxed voice.
melanie now had a serious facial expression on her face to show her concerns about Abby.

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