Chapter ten

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when seeing the school a distance away,
abby now looks at her phone and sighed with a mad-frustrated look worn on her face.
it shows that abby is extremely grouchy as she read unexpected sexual text messages from guys at her school shown on the display screen.
she had a evil glare,narrowing at the texts.
Abby gives a chilling evil laugh.
after a long pause,
Abby slowly closes her eyes,
she opens them.
these eyes are truly evil. cold. dark. demonic.
abby says to herself and her voice is taking a dangerous turn,They need to suffer for what they are doing.
Maybe I would Cut the remaining skin around all of their circumcised penises off really slowly and forcefully dip their raw bleeding penis in a bowl of salt filled with lemon juice to create excruciating pain for them,
Mwah ahah ahaha!
she felt irritated and mad.
she now sighed in fustration and muttered angerily, I hate those those stupid mascline dumb-shits.
I don't know why
they keep catcalling me all the fucking time.
How are they getting my number?
ohh god those hypersexual boys are too horny.
I shouldn't even be looking at my phone while driving.
abby now smashed the phone in anger and yelled,
while tightly gripping the steering wheel.
as she calmed down,
she now is still in her car.
She noticed The Sky's Colors Seemed To Fade From A Cheerful Blue, To Soothing Hues Of Purples, Pinks, And Oranges As Dusk Fell displayed from her car window.
Glanced At The Beautiful Sunrise As Abby Did Every Morning.
she felt incomplete and sad.
abby felt a gloved hand touching her shoulder.
she slowly turned her head to the right to face paul.
abby says,Oh, hey, hey, there
how are you doing dad?
I didn't know you were there;
you scared the shit out of me!
What are you doing here?
paul smiled and says,I'm good.
i just want to help you.
How are you doing?
abby says,Fine,
Are you sure everything is all right?
paul sighed amd grinned sadly as he deeply looked in her scared
childlish eyes with concern with a bit of sadness.
abby can see paul's eyes clearly which were a aqua ocean eye color,
abby now grabbed her bookbag from across the passager seat.
paul says,I just needed to see my little girl before she leaves for school one more time.
abby pouted and then felt happy as she began to change her depressed state.
paul says to abby,Always nice to see you,
well i hoped you enjoyed the song i know you daydream.
Did you?
abby smirked and says about paul's wardrobe,I find it interesting that you keep changing your clothing styles but you kept the frilly shirt,the scarf,lapel waistcoat,the elephant bellbottoms even the willy wonka femimine coat the same but in different colors and patterns.
paul explained why he wore it,In case you didn't notice..
the colors match with the theme and mood,tone of the song.
Isn't that great?
abby says,It's fantastic.
paul says,I noticed the word fantastic has fan in it, which you are my biggest fan.
abby tried to smile genuinely and saw paul being extremly concerned.
he says to her while taking his jacket and waistcoat off,
Oh, and I noticed...
hey abby..
what's wrong?
You look sad.
abby now tried to restrain herself from openly crying and struggled to say,It's nothing.
i'm fine.
It's all fine.
paul felt his heart break and began to scoot closer to abby,
putting his arms around abby as he saw abby climbing into his lap like a dog.
abby now puts her head and laid it on top of his chest.
abby's whispering and sobbing now broke paul's heart into a million pieces.
he held her gently and says in a heartbreaking voice,I can tell.
i know you are not fine because you are lying but i can understand your pain,
i reaaly do.
I want to help you
stop struggling
please i love you abby.
I am always here for you.
i'm always here for you and never ever leave you.
You are not alone.
abby gave a happy-sad smile to paul.
she was now done crying in paul's gentle hold on her.
abby now hears paul sing waking up alone verse,
i should have noticed that the years were slipping by
still you're just as lovely as the day we said goodbye
like an old familiar poem that still won't rhyme
i could get back to the place but not the time
it syncs with abby sniffing and trembling at the lips.
abby now sees paul having one hand on her head and using his other hand to pat her back gently like a cat.
paul says,Not my best song but that wasn't so bad.
What do you think?
abby smiled and says,It's awesome;
can you do the song she's too good to me for my next daydream?
paul says,Of course I can,
yes,i will perform it for you when you daydream next time.
I will do anything to make you happy.
paul opens the car door and walked out of abby's car while waving goodbye to abby.

Abby Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang