Chapter fiftheeth

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A few minutes later, Abby was going to the next classroom but stopped at the bathroom. She goes inside the boy's bathroom.
Loud coughing could be heard echoing through the bathroom stall.
Paul was very much accustomed to the noises of Abby in agony and ran over to her.
He heard Abby's voice a distance away.
     She yelled, "Disgusting! Fucking disgusting!"
     Abby was bent over the toilet, her hands holding strong against the top of it. Her head bent down into the putrid put in which she spewed all of her darkness, dry heaves, and the sound of her men's leather boots scrunching as she leaned deeper into it, tears hitting the polluted water. Abby felt she deserved this. This was all she would ever deserve.
     She heard Paul's voice singing to her, "Loneliness takes the romance out of falling stars, fills the wishing wells, and fills the bars. Run and hide the scars of loneliness."
     It synced with Abby screaming in pain.
     Abby said to herself, "How could I? Impure! Disgusting! I thought I was past this. I thought this was over!"
     Her finger reached deeper down into her throat until finally it was over. She had poured everything she could out of herself.
     She heard the verse from Look What I Found by Paul Williams blaring out from her iPhone speakers, "In a noisy bar where no one knows your name, runnin' out of places still worth runnin' to."
     It synced with Abby feeling weightless and pure as she leaned against the wall panting, her tie rising and falling with her gasps for air. She had not experienced this horrible impurity since she was with Dean years ago.
     Abby yelled, "No! No! No!!!"
     She screamed loudly but became silent after hearing Paul's voice closely to hear him sing the Phantom's theme from Phantom of the Paradise as he laid his back on the stall, feeling comfortable standing in this position. He wore the iconic red and black the Phantom of the Paradise's Swan's taping room outfit to suit how Abby feels.
     Paul began to sing with a sorrowful tone as Abby heard him closely not muffled from the stall being crystal clear, "Half asleep I hear a voice. Is it only in my mind, or is it someone calling me, someone I failed and left behind? To work it out, I let them in, all the good guys and the bad guys that I've been. All the devils that disturbed me and the angels that defeated them somehow come together in me now. Face to face, I greet the cast set in silence we begin companions in an empty room I taste their victory and sin."
     It synced as She bit hard into her ungloved arm, harder and harder until she felt something wet hit her gums. Gently, she slid her mouth away and looked down upon her injury. She noticed a deep wound greeting her. It was in the same shape of all the other scars across her arms, so many scars that she has memorized her dental record simply by looking at them. Abby brought her tongue gently down upon the new wound.      
     She heard Paul's vocals as he laid his back on the stall,
Like a circus on parade seldom close enough to see, I wander through an angry crowd and wonder what became of me. To work it out I let them in, all the good guys and the bad guys that I've been. All the devils that disturbed me and the angels that defeated them somehow come together in me now."
     She pondered the song over and over in her head as she continued to lick away her own blood. It ran down her face and dripped onto the red and black tile floor as she shut her eyes, burying herself deeper into her own skin. Abby's mind whirled dizzily.
     Paul asked, "Abby, are you all right in there?"
     Abby's dream world was suddenly shattered at the sound of Paul's voice.
     Abby Said, "Oh, y-yes, Daddy."
     Abby scrambled to her feet and flung open the medicine cabinet, ripping out a bandage. Abby held the package of bandages in her white teeth as she covered up her self-inflicted wound. Once the bite was well wrapped, she now began to clean the blood and washed it away.
She washed her face then leaned over to flush the toilet
. She had become quite the expert at hiding her bad habits from Paul, after all, she did not want him to worry.
She was getting ready to open the door.
Abby opened the door slowly, smiling upon her father.
She sees Paul smiling but with a concern worn on his face.
Paul said, "My dear, it is always lovely to see you. Are you all right? I could hear you in distress."
     Abby said, "I am all right, Daddy."
     Paul said, "Are you sure?"
     Abby looked at her feet and blushed a deeper red than cherry gumdrops.
Paul's smile faded and he gently touched the shoulder of Abby's gently like a cat.
Abby thought her father was very cute.
She bowed her head further and shut her eyes hard, in an attempt to silence the crazy thoughts about her father.
She composed herself and shyly smiled at Paul,
patting her back in a friendly manner.
Abby ran out of the bathroom and was in the middle center of the school hallway.
Abby now sighed with relief then walked up to her classroom.
She opened the door and swung it open. The teacher ordered Abby out of the classroom.
Abby began to protest but slammed the door in anger.
She began to stare off in space as she began to fully absorb her new daydream.
Before she dreamt she was pacing around the empty hallway and screaming and yelling in anger and out of frustration.
She sat down on the steps of the stairs, laid her back on the stair.
She began to close her eyes as she drifted off to daydream.
The camera slowly zoomed in in a closeup of Abby's face and disappeared into darkness.
(Fade in to dream sequence)
Abby now woke up in a large swamp.
She saw an abandoned McDonald's out of nowhere.
The exterior was all covered with black dirty vines everywhere on the windows and roof.
The two letters write missing having nails.
Abby saw a door opening by itself.
Walking inside, she saw a very extremely dark interior with creepy lit brownish tint to light a dark creepy never ending path.
She felt really cold and scared,shivering.
Abby saw a black dark wooden old 29 ft bridge and walked to it, overseeing a circular round floors filled with deep sea level water having crocodiles surface and resurface. There was a warm hot sandy island with a rectangle table with vines surrounding it with circular chairs with torn out fabric.
With a dark red tint dimmed lighting shining on the darkness of the table and chairs to give a creepy feel.
She saw the rectangle windows that were filled with black vines to give a creepy atmosphere.
She felt really scared and creeped out as she sat on the chairs and then stood up to walk to a door.
It was colored black with a white doorknob.
She opened it and saw the interior of the room that was completely dark with a rectangular window that is foggy, having a strong blinding white-blue angelic natural lighting, illuminating the room creating a mysterious fog with soft thin shiny snowflakes floating in the air twinkling and shining as if was its reflections of the white-blue lighting immersing into the ghostly glowing lighting creating a mysterious ghostly feel.
The dim white-blue lighting came from the window creating a mysterious eerie mysterious feel.
There was a bed that had white satin sheets.
The room was itself cold and dark.
She looked around the room.
(Fade out to dream sequence)
     She snapped out of her strange daydream as she felt someone embrace her.
She looked up to see Paul sitting beside her with a smile on his face but concern in his eyes.
She smiled back, blushing.
     "I saw your fresh wounds," he said.
     "I know, Daddy. I did not want you to be disappointed and see my wounds, that's why I ran outside of the bathroom so fast," she said.
     "I just feel like I should be disappointed in myself more than you," Paul said.
     Abby was confused.
     "Why, Daddy?" she asked.
     "I feel like you needed a mother figure in your life after your mother died. I never dreamt of being a single parent," Paul
"I was late for school again, now I missed the bus to go home again," she sighed.
   "The school day is over?" Paul asked.
     "Apparently," Abby said.
     "Don't you have a car to go home?" Paul asked.
     Abby nodded.
     "I just don't want to leave you in this moment. It feels so nice. It is so nice and quiet with just you and me," she said.

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