Chapter five

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she slowly opened her eyes open and felt cold,
she felt paul's warm hand holding hers in a gentle grip
they were both still laying down on the snow while on their backs,
facing each other so closely that they give each other Eskimo kisses with their noses touching.
Through Abby's blurry tears,
Paul is unseeable now, but she got so close to him that she's practically committed to her memory.
Her whole body has gone into shock.
Paul noticed the dark morning sky with yellow and orange lightning,softing Abby's facial features.
the yellow and orange lighting shining on her face giving her facial features a warm calming glow around her,
Paul was noticing how Abby looked when the warm glow lighting was shining on her.
Abby looks at Abby with a dramatic calming pose.
the dramatic yellow and orange lights surrounded,giving her a glowing warm soft look.

paul says,Good morning, beautiful.

i feel cold and warm with you.

I feel cold because I want to be in your warm embrace.

abby smilied and giggled while blushing,
She's more happy and gleeful for the first time in years.

abby says,Thanks for the compliment. I don't think anyone gave me such a compliment in years. It is something Dean would say.-

paul says,I love you with a fatherly love, my daughter.

i got a song that totally fits how i feel about you.

Ready to listen?

i wrote it in 1974 and was titled nice to be around for the movie cinderalla liberty.

I love you with all my heart and thought it was so fitting for this moment.

abby looked deeper into paul's eyes and began to scoot closer to paul's side to keep warm.

she noticed paul looking at her as he sang nice to be around,

hello such a simple way to start a love affair
should i jump right in and say how much i care
would you take me for a mad man or a simple hearted clown
hello with affection from a sentimental fool
to a little girl who's broken of every rule
one who brings me up when all the others seem to let me down
one whose nice to be around

Should I say that it's a blue world without you
Nice words I remember from an old love song
But all wrong 'cause I've never called it love before
This feeling's new, it came with you
She felt loved by him and was moved to tears.

Oh, and I know that the nicest things have never seemed to last
That we're both a bit embarrassed by our past
But I think there's something special in the feelings that we've found
And you're nice to be around, and you're nice to be around
He sang it to her to he really appreciated her always and always.
Abby says about the song, All I could think about was Dean singing that song to me.
Paul scoffed, shaking his head.
Paul repeated,Its cold out here.
Come inside sweetie..
Come to poppa.
abby smiled and sees paul getting up,
he kneeled down on one knee to help abby back on her feet.
Paul was still kneeling on his knee, shivering as the fast strong wind whipped his long blond hair around.
Paul warned Abby,You will freeze to death if you stay out here too long.
Abby says while she could feel the tears as they streamed from beneath her eyes,I just can't tell you the pain I've felt since Dean is gone.
Paul says,I know, sweetie, but you still have plenty of people who still love you.
Abby says,He was my best friend. I feel so alone without him.
in shock,
Paul got on one knee and hugging Abby protectively.
Paul sang to Abby while Putting his mouth a distance away so Abby can hear him clearly,
People looked right through me
When I was all alone
Never seemed to notice I was there at all
Always seemed to look the other way
Abby smiled with pure joy and cried tears of joy as she heard Paul's soothing voice overwhelming her.
she was still in shock, but the tears streaming down her face showed that she was starting to get over dean,
she pressed herself so close to Paul that it hurt and she curled up in a fetal position, shaking.
Paul sang more to Abby while petting her back gently like a cat to calm her down.
So you must know that I was lonely
When I was all alone
Love was not an easy word to laugh about
And still it's not an easy word to say
It syncs with Abby bursting into more happy tears and her chin trembling so hard that she cried like a baby.
She sang with Paul as their voices were in sync with each other becoming as one,
Winter days were colder
When I was all alone
Wasn't I surprised to feel this warm inside
The way it feels to be alone with you
As they were done singing,
Abby smiled as Paul comforted Abby by kissing her on her forehead gently like a parent does with their child.
Abby says to Paul,Thanks for being here with me.
Paul continued to hold her close and says,It's always my pleasure.
Abby says,The loneliness is less severe when I am in your arms.
they remained in this hold for several minutes in complete silence,
Paul was brushing his hands along Abby's cheeks as well as in her hair.
He smiled when he felt her arms wrapping around him, the warmth of her hold somehow drawing him in and making him feel an extreme abundance of emotion.
his gaze returned to Abby who lay wrapped securely in his arms.
he never would have imagined that she would so willingly trust him enough to rest there, but a slight smile covered his face as he maintained his gentle hold on her. perhaps if anything, this was the silver lining to this whole sordid mess.
as her sobs subsided, she began to back away from him, her head rising until her eyes met his.
Paul says,Do you still miss Dean?
Abby says,I don't think I will ever stop.
Paul says,I understand. You can still miss him, but still you must move on.
Abby says,How?
Paul says,You have to move on like he would want you to. Don't forget you are loved. Don't ignore those who are still in your life.
Abby says about the snow,My whole body is cold. I am covered in snow. I am drenched in frozen tears that have turned into ice cream. Delicious, delicious sorrow!
Paul smirked in amusement.
she got up and wiped the snow all over her body.
paul started to gently wiped the rest of the snow off of abby.
Paul was threading an arm through one of Abby's arms to guide her.
Abby said with a little smile,Thanks a billion.
Paul took a deep sad breath as he looked at her with a sad frown.
Abby felt her heart was breaking inside her,
She could feel her heart in her ears and couldn't see anything due to her non-stop tears.
She wanted to sob, to shout, to hit something.
But Paul did hear her heart breaking, did not feel the blood dripping down her chest. The betrayal Abby felt, the jealousy, the overwhelming pain of Dean thrown in her face.
she looked so hopeful, but there was still a trace of sadness/happiness lurking in her eyes.
Paul was frantic in his efforts to soothe Abby,
touching her face, whispering in her ear.
Paul insisted as they walked,Please stop crying,
sweetie I know,
I know your still sad and that's okay.
I know, but you should learn to move on.
I will help you.
j-just be careful..
Watch your step.
Abby says,Have you been in my shoes?
Paul says,No?
Abby laughed in disbelief, a growing outrage in her voice to Paul's dismay.
Abby says,Mwhahahah!
Of course you don't, probably because they're too uncomfortable for you.
Have you ever tried my shoes?
Paul says with a dismissive shrug and an apologetic smile,
Well they are, I don't like remembering things that make me unhappy..
I know you hurt yourself.
Fighting with you about your self harm makes me unhappy.
I don't want that for you.
Abby says,Oh, no, no.
How horrible that you should be unhappy.
You have not walked a mile in my shoes.
Inconsiderate is what it is.
You can say you understand when you lose a boyfriend to a drunk driver.
Makes you forget the things that we disagree with in the first place.
Like maybe tell me what I should be doing if I can do anything about Dean's death?
Paul says,I'm horribly sorry,
sweetie I don't know what to say...
I assure you're not alone.
I'm sorry, if there is anything I can do for you,
just let me know.
Abby grunted in disgust, turning her back to him but Paul continued.
Paul says,Okay, let me get this straight.
What I don't get is sweetie,
answer me specifically,
Is why you hurt yourself anyway.
I know your boyfriend died.
Abby was nestling into Paul's shoulder, and Paul hugged her a little tighter.
Abby says about being suicidal,I didn't think I would ever live without him. I literally told him the day before he died he is like oxygen to me and the day he died it's like I died too.
Abby was finishing her dark sad speech,
tears already falling down her cheeks.
Paul says pleadingly,Oh,please.
Your tears break my heart.
I'm here for you.
Please, stop.
You are still very much alive, and Dean is still in your heart. He is still with you in a way, encouraging you to never give up. I sincerely doubt he wants you to die because of him.
he was still hugging her and giving her back long calming strokes.
A few seconds later,
Abby stopped crying and just stayed quiet with her head on his chest listening to his breathing and heart beating,
Abby could physically feel the worry emitting from his body due to her pain
She says,I know you're right.
now paul began to kiss abby's forehead and says,I love you,

hey sweetheart.

Look what time it is,

it's time for school.

I will still be here as always when you get back.

i will clean that mess you made in the hallway.

Have a nice day.
Abby could physically feel the worry emitting from his body due to her pain.
abby now saw paul holding abby's bookbag and hugged her tenderly.
Paul smiled up at her, adjusting Abby's coat lapels with tenderness.
paul now saw abby walking to her car, closely watching her.

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