Chapter fourteeth

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Abby walked towards Sarah and Miguel who were waiting on top of the stairs.
Sarah's face is oval shaped with a small pointed chin.
She had thin lips with dimples lining diagonally from her top lip to her small nose.
Her eyes are almond shaped and dark blue.
She has long medium length hair that is brown.
Abby walked up to the stairs as she grabbed the railing of the stairs and put her two feet on the steps.
A few mintutes later, Abby looked at Sarah.
Sarah felt happy to see Abby.
Abby sighed and let out a small smile.
Sarah said, I am so happy to see you!
Abby said,I am happy to see you, too! So, what's up?
Sarah said,I'm so glad you asked.
I can not contain what I want to tell you any longer, so I'll be blunt.
So, I'm in love with you.
I hope this isn't too awkward.
I'm gay.
Do you love me too?
Abby smiled and said,I am flattered.
I love you but in a sister way.
I really still love you the same.
I really have no problem with the gayness.
I love you because you are such a sweet person.
There's nothing wrong being gay.
I hope you do find the one who is right for you.
I know you will.
She walked with Miguel and Sarah with Abby between them.
Abby played Paul Williams' Ordinary Fool as she grabbed her iPhone and pressed her finger on the iTunes app store.
The iPhone screen displayed a paul williams playlist then Abby pressed one of the songs.
She began to put on her black earbuds, and she saw Miguel and Sarah talking to each other.
Abby put each earbud in her ears and she felt Sarah's and Miguel's voices slowly distorted and disappearing from her hearing range, creating a relaxing silence ambience.
Abby now looked at the classroom as she put her head down and sighed, putting her iphone in her pocket again.
Her facial expressions were a mix of a disappointment and depression.
Abby sighed and felt complete.
She stared off in space while having eerie calming soothing silence overwhelming her.
As she ignored her friend's voices a lot more, she only heard the Ordinary Fool verse overwelming her,
Only a fool
like fools before me
I always think with my heart.
Only a fool
that same old story.
Seems I was born for the part.
it synced in with Abby slowly nodding to Paul's calming voice.
The next verse plays as she heard it,
It's a lesson that I've learnt
and a page I should have turned.
I shouldn't cry
but I do like an ordinary fool when her ordinary dreams fall through.
It synced with Abby having a sad-happy smile and softly realizing she had been pondering.
Abby now looked up at Sarah's face to face her as she slowly raised her head in a dramatic way.
She felt Sarah's arms surrounding her.
Sarah began to kiss Abby on the lips,
but Abby stopped Sarah by putting her hand on Sarah's face, covering her mouth.
She saw Sarah welling up in tears.
Abby found it hard to watch to ignore her pain.
Abby knew Sarah's parents' divorce destroyed her.
Abby said, Oh, sweet Sarah, I'm sorry, but I feel like I'm not your type.
I feel like you deserve someone better than me, and plus...
I don't feel the same way as you do.
I hope we can still be friends.
Sarah's heart broke as she heard Abby's blunt words.
Abby continued,I'm straight, but I'm not mad at you.
I don't hate you.
I'm an atheist, but I will do everything I can to protect you from religious extremtists who hurt everyone who is different.
You see, not all atheists are bad people just like not all religious people are good.
I literally know true christians who don't judge or hate gay people and everyone the religious extremtists depised like the disabled, charge sydrome, Down's syndrome, lesbians, gays, transgender, bisexuals, asexuals, atheists, and agnostics.
I am here to support you.
I have a number you can call.
It's called the Jesus hotline.
They help everyone who is suffering from hate filled religious extremists, and the people who work there are the progressive Christian left liberals who strictly follow Jesus' rules and blah blah blah.
I support Christians like that.
It made me so angry, so extremely pissed off that people use religion to hurt and mantipulate others whom are different that they don't really know.
It's sad.
I feel atheists and good natured true Christians need to work together against the evil of the church via religious extremism who hurts and discriminate people they don't know.
I hope I'm of help.
Sarah smiled and said,Thank you.
I needed that.
I'm a nondenominational Christian, so thanks for your help.
I'm glad we are still friends.
Abby said,Me too, and no problem.
Need a hug?
I have a hug for you.
Sarah and Abby hugged together.

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