Chapter 4

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The next day came slowly. I was up all night listening to Fall Out Boy, Panic At The Disco, Three Days Grace and Get Scared all night while doing some more research on Jeff. In story's I've read when people meet Jeff, they are always outcasts. But, I'm surprisingly not one. I'm well known in my grade and pretty popular. There's this one guy that I really like but now he's going out with one of my friends so, there goes that relationship.

Anyway, I usually get woken up by my mum, but this time I am already awake so I just saved her the trouble and left her to sleep. I ate my breakfast, waffles, and headed to the shower. I have pretty quick showers so I was out soon and went to my room and got dressed in my school uniform. It is a white shirt with a sky blue tie and a short sky blue skirt. It's not like one of them skanky, tight skirts. it is one of them ones that you would usually find in anime.

My school is pretty cool. Well, mostly because I get away with not doing my homework for who knows what reason and because I have the best friends ever. Maddie, Nada, Tay-lah, Layla, Sharise, Tay-lah and Trinity. But we just call her Trin.

I walked out my room, said goodbye to my mother and went on my way to school. I was walking, like yesterday when I saw the same figure as yesterday. Jeff. But, instead if wearing his normal attire, he was wearing the boys uniform for my school (white shirt sky blue tie and black pants). I walked up to him wanting to know just what this man is thinking.

"Jeff? What are you doing in my school's uniform?" He looked at me and it was then that I noticed that he had no cut in smile. I gasped. "Oh, Sorry sir, I thought you were someone els" I said awkwardly walking away. Someone grabbed my arm and made me stop. I turned to see that it was that boy from before. "Excuse me, Annie, but I believe you were talking to me" Just then was it that I realised that it was Jeff. He looked at me a grinned, a normal, human grin.



:) hope you guys like my crappy book!

-Murderous Annie *M.A

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