Chapter 9

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"Yes, please sit"

"Your little toy, also known as Annie, is not who you think she is. Annie, is E.J's daughter."he said. I can't believer it, my prey is E.J's daughter. "How is it possible?" i asked demanding answers."She was adopted by her mum because E.J believed that he could not look after a child. He was going to go look for her when she became age but, you already have found her. E.J will be going to ask her to join us. But, he needs you to show him where she lives. She's 13, correct?" I nodded. "Good, she will be coming to live with us. But first, tell her she is adopted. Tell her to ask her mum if she doesn't believe you. Understand?" "Yes, I will go now." And with that I got up and left his office.


Sorry its short. Hope you guys like my crappy book.

-Murderous Annie *M.A

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