Chapter 15

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*Jeff's POV*

"I love your room. It's awesome." Ben said. "Thanks" She said. "So Jeff. Who's the new chick? She's pretty hot." Annie rolled her eyes at him. "This is Annie. Annie, this is Ben." I introduced them. "Well anyway. I have to go do somthin. Hope to see you later on tonight. Come pass by and well play some games." He said then left. I looked over at Annie who had 20 different shades of red on her face. "He means video games just do you know." I reassured her. I saw her redness start to disappear a little. "Thank goodness. I thought I was going to have to punch him already." She said. "Well... you can if you want. Like I mean... nobody is stopping you." I said. She laughed. "I think ill wait it out" she said.

*Annie's POV*

It's been about two months since I moved here and I had become really good friends with Ben. And I also think I might like Jeff... Ben and I are that close now it's like he's my brother. It's weird but... its true. Jeff has been acting weird lately. It sorta like he's.... jealous... Nahhh. He's not jealous. Nobody would be jealous of Ben. wait! Unless he's jealous of me! YES! He's gay! I need to find Jeff to tell him his secret is safe with me. But... after I kick Ben's ass in Call Of Duty Black Ops.

We finished that round, and yes,I did kick Ben's ass in COD. "Hey Ben I have got to do something ill play with you later ok?" I said. "Yeah sure. Pop on by when you want to play." He replied. "Wow. I still can't believe you don't know how wrong that sounds." I said as I left to go to Jeff's room. "Hey Jeff? I need to talk to you." i said as I knocked at his door. "Yeah come on in. I'm decent." I walked in and Jeff was lying shirtless on his red and black bed. I know what your thinking. Yeah, I probs see this all the time because I live with mostly guys and three girls but no. I don't. This is my first time. He's... really... hot... "Hey Jeff I just came to tell you not to worry about me telling people your little secret. It's alright. I won't tell them." I said. "Wait, what secret? I don't have a secret." He said sitting up. "That your gay. Don't worry. I won't tell anyone." I said quietly so nobody would hear. "Jeff had a weird look on his face. "Annie. I'm not gay. What are you talking about?" he said. "You've been acting weird lately when I'm around Ben. Sorta like your jealous." I said. "Annie, I'm not gay." he said again. "Than what have you been acting jealous when I'm around Ben?" I said. "Because... I like you... a lot." He said walking up to me. Wait. did Jeff just say he likes me? O. M. G. "Jeff... I like you... a lot too.." I said. As soon as I said that Jeff pressed his lips to mine. I was startled at first but, it felt right. He asked for permission to enter and I accepted. We stood there for a while kissing with my hands around his neck and his around my waist. We were interrupted when Slendy opened the door to tell us that dinner is ready. "Jeff, dinne- oh ok then. You two do that." He said. As we quickly broke away. " I just came in to say that dinner is ready but instead found a couple kissing. Lovely. Well when you two are ready, dinner is ready." Slendy said and then left. "Well-" I was cut off by Jeff kissing me again. I broke the kiss after a little. "Jeff we should go get some dinner. And well... tell people?" I said. "Yeah. We probs should.

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