Chapter 6

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"Who's the cute guy?" Asked my friend Renee. Renee originally had dark brown hair but she dyed it red with the tips purple she's a year older than me but is like my best friend. She is tall and pale. No matter how hard she tyres to get tan. She stays pale. "Oh. Thats Jeff." "Ooooooh. This girl knows the cute new guy." She said to Tay-lah, Maddie and Sharise. Tay-lah has really long sandy hair that goes just below her butt and is just a little shorter than me. She's a little chubby, but it is so little, you think that she isn't. Maddie Has hair about the same length as mine, long enough to go over our boobs when pushed to the front. Her hair is chocolate brown and she is really funny. We are best friends.

"Annie, you can't like the new guy. it's not fair for us" maddie said joking. "Calm yo tits, I don't like him."I said "But you were just staring at him. And he is superrrr cute. Whats not to like about him?" "If only you knew" I mumbled while facing the ground. "What?" She asked. I looked up and saw her looking at me. "I didn't say anything." I said. "Oh" was all she said after that.


Sorry for short chapter. It's just that I am at school an I got a lot of stuff to do. :) hope you guys like.

-Murderous Annie *M.A

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