Chapter 13

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*Annie's POV*

I was packing my things up with Jeff while mum and dad were talking. About 10 mins later Jeff and I were done packing and were heading down stairs. We walked down the stairs to see two very awkward people sitting at the kitchen table. Mum saw us and ran up to me and indulged me in a bear hug. "Come visit me. Ok?" She said. ''Ok mum. Ill visit you soon. Bye." I said and we left to go the the mansion.

Since it was to long to walk with my bags being heavy and all, Jeff texted his friend and told him to get Slender Man to teleport us. "Do not worry, Child. I will do no harm to you" I was shaking terribly. I just nodded in response and grabbed ahold of his sleeve. Only because I had to be touching him to be able to teleport. After a few seconds we arrived at the mansion. "Child. Welcome to Slender Mansion."


Sorry for short chapter. :) hope you guys like my crappy book!

-Murderous Annie *M.A

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