Chapter 8

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*Jeff's POV*

I got a text from Ben, he said that Slender needed to talk to me. I wonder what's going on.

I walked Annie home and said goodbye before leaving to go to the mansion. When I was in the woods I changed from my illusion form. It feels like someone is watching me. I brushed it off because 'he always watches, no eyes.' I can't help but chuckle to myself imagining the fear in someone's eyes once they encounter one of Slender's little 'messages.'

I arrived at the mansion and opened the door to be greeted by E.J and Ben fighting about who cheated and what not. Another chuckle. "Calm yo tits guys. I can relate-" I was cut off "-and I don't give a fuck" answered E.J."Oooohh. Man period" exclaimed Ben and high-fived me as I was walked past. "Shut your ass Ben" I heard E.J mumble as I walked up the steps.

I soon arrived at an overly large door t the end of a hallway. I knocked on the door. "Enter, Child" Slender said. I opened the door to see slender at his desk. "You wanted to talk to me?" I questioned. "Yes, please sit"


Hope you guys like my crappy book.

-Murderous Annie *M.A

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