Prologue - Waking up was a mistake!

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Author's note:

Dear readers,

this story idea popped up in my head while working on my other stories and reading some unique fanfictions, so I decided to write it on paper. As it is in its baby steps, I don't know how many chapters it will have or how often I'm going to update it, because as a not English native speaker it takes me longer to write everything down. I also hope that you can bear my mistakes in grammar, spelling, and punctuation that I will undoubtedly make, although I check everything with a programme before posting it, and aren't afraid to point anything major out to me. As this is only going to be my third fanfiction, my second in English, I always appreciate your honest feedback, constructive criticism included, and won't be affronted by it. So, if you like my story, want to know something about the storyline, characters or time frame or point something unpleasant out, don't hesitate to leave me a review or PM.

This story will play in the Marauder's Time, starting in 1978, and span into the 1990s. It will be AU, non-canon and rated M because it will contain distressing topics like spousal abuse, physical assault, and depression as well as descriptions of physical interaction of sexual or violent nature. So be warned and only read it, if you are over 16. The main ship will be PE/SS, so if you don't like these two together, please refrain from reading my story.

I hope that you will enjoy reading it.

Best wishes,


Severus Snape's bedroom, Spinner's End, Cokeworth, July 1978

Nineteen-years-old Petunia Evans cuddled up to the teddy bear in her arms with a smile on her face and a dreamy look in her eyes. She knew that she shouldn't still be attached to her favorite, light-brown, worn teddy bear Sammy, which has been a gift to her birth from her beloved grandma Daisy, and missed his right ear since a violent ruffle with Lily when she was ten, but she loved cuddling it in her sleep, feeling its warmth and fluffy fake fur. Besides that, it gave her the feeling of being loved, safe and cared for. Her mother Violet tried to ban it from her room because a young lady, who studied taxation and business economics at the esteemed University of Warwick near Coventry, hoped to get a marriage proposal from her boyfriend Vernon Dursley and tried to act, talk and dress like a well-mannered, modest young lady, shouldn't still need a teddy to sleep peacefully at night. Her sister Lily mocked her for it since she was fifteen and transfigured Sammy once into a snake with her freaky magical powers. Only a screaming match and a fake threat to send out a love letter in her name to this rude, good-for-nothing and freaky friend of hers, Severus Snape, who was totally obsessed with Lily and so undoubtedly in love with her, that it made Petunia cringe on the one hand, jealous on the other hand, convinced Lily to turn it back into her beloved teddy bear. But as Petunia snuggled closer to Sammy, she noticed with horror in her eyes and ringing alarm bells in her head that the soft, warm object in her arms couldn't be Sammy, because it breathed and was covered with shiny, soft black hair. Suppressing the scream that wanted to escape her rosy, luscious lips, Petunias eyes popped open. She guessed, she looked like a deer caught in the headlights and studied frantically her environment. As she realized that she was naked beneath the fluffy blanket, Petunia's mind went into panic mode and she tried hysterically not to hyperventilate.

"Ok, Petunia. Don't panic. There must be an easy explanation for your clothes-less state and your waking up naked in a foreign bed. It can't be that you lost your virginity yesterday to some random stranger, who could be a pervert, criminal or drug addict as far as you know. Compose yourself, study your environment closely and try to remember anything in your foggy head. But don't, under any circumstances, wake the man beside you. He might try to attack you and have his way with you," Petunia talked wildly to herself in her mind, schooled her features and studied her surroundings while clutching desperately with her hands onto her blanket in an ill attempt to cover her modesty. Looking around the foreign room, Petunia noticed with shock its worn-out, threadbare state. The small, single window was covered with a thick layer of dust so that she could vaguely make out a polluted, dirty river in front of it. The interior of the room consisted of a shabby, broken looking small maple closet; a threadbare, covered with scribbles, desk, on which strange herbs, books and parchment were neatly organized; a shabby, faded maple shelf, which was filled to the bust with odd looking colorfull books, a huge cauldron as well as many jars with odd looking items; and the huge, comfortable maple bed with a hard matress doned with cold, dark forest green silk bedsheets, that she currently tried to use as a shelter from her bedfellow. Regarding the décor of the room, Petunia registered the light grey painted walls, the white painted ceiling and the faded wooden floor, which was covered in the middle of the room by a forest green carpet. One poster of a foreign looking, green and silver crest of a serpent hang on the door. Besides that, the room lacked any personal items such as happy family pictures, football posters or model cars, that she would normally expect to see in a room of a male mid-twenty-years-old. Thanks to the rising summer sun, the room was illuminated by a soft light that lessened it's dark and broody look somewhat. But Petunia couldn't detect where she was by her first observations. Calming her bubbling nerves with a deep breath, she searched for new clues.

Focussing her sapphire blue eyes on the titles of the books on the self on the right side of the bed to learn more about her bedfellow, Petunia stumbled upon the words "history", "dark arts", "defense", "herbs" and "science". Her first destressing thought was that the man beside her must be some crazed scientist or drug dealer who mixed his own substances with the help of this silly looking cauldron and books because she couldn't explain to herself the existence of the huge amount of herbs and creepy looking jars. A chill went down her back, she started to panic again and searched frantically for a way out of this hell. Despite her panicked mind, Petunia began to add her observations to a wider picture. A cauldron, threadbare furniture, strange looking jars and herbs, a dirty river in front of a window, the colors green, grey and silver ... With a startle, widened eyes and a sharp intake of breath, Petunia recognized the identity of her bedfellow. She had been snuggled close to the thin, albeit soft and warm, naked body of Severus Snape while being naked herself and without any memory of how she ended up here. She couldn't fathom her realization and frantically searched for a different one, but all the clues pointed in the direction of this awful, freaky and love-crazy about Lily Severus Snape. He needed the cauldron, jars and scientific books for some chemistry-like magical subject called Potions, in which he was – according to Lily – an unrecognized genius. The green and silver serpent's crest belonged to his Hogwarts house Slytherin. The dirty, polluted river flowed along directly behind his down-ridden street Spinner's End. The threadbare furniture and shabby look of this room connected itself with his impoverished upbringing. And Severus Snape was a thin, tall teenaged boy with obsidian black eyes, a huge hooked nose, onyx black, shoulder-length hair and crooked teeth. Petunia hysterically put some stubborn strands of her honey blond, wavy, waist-length tousled hair behind her ear and searched in her foggy mind for some clues or snippets of memories that could explain, how she ended up here, naked, in bed with her childhood nemesis, of all places. As she concentrated all her willpower on searching her mind, she remembered being so distraught at Lily's engagement news and Vernon's obvious ogling of a slutty looking, curvy and buxom brunette woman in a café during their lunch date that she ran aimlessly with tear-covered cheeks and dissolved into sobs through Cokeworth. She recalled stopping at the park, where she and Lily had played happily as little children before magic destroyed everything, and meeting a sneering, angry looking Severus Snape. Focussing her thoughts on solving this mystery, snippets of memories began to attack Petunia all at ones. By the first flash, she realized that waking up wasn't the only mistake she had made in the last 12 hours.

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