The wonders of magic, II!

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Park near Spinner's End, Cokeworth, July 1978

Petunia was shell-shocked. With an unladylike gaping mouth, she starred with icy blue eyes at the figure of Severus Snape. Surely, he only wanted to make fun of her. He couldn't really be offering her, an ordinary Muggle, an introduction to the Wizarding world and an education in the basics of the Magical culture and subjects full of wonders and adventures. Wow, she must really be dreaming because her rude childhood nemesis who had always seemed to consider himself superior to any Muggle, couldn't possibly offer her to brew potions with him and read magical books. Petunia pinched herself hard twice in the expectation to wake up from this beautiful dream. But her pinches only left ugly red bruises and didn't alter her environment. She still sat rather uncomfortably in front of the broken red rocking horse beside Severus Snape on the worn-down playground in Cokeworth. The sun was still blazing down on the overgrown field, leaving beads of sweat on her forehead and making her thirsty although it must be hours after her disastrous lunch date with that abusive bastard Vernon. Therefore, Petunia detected, that she was awake and Severus' offer must be real.

Checking the time on her watch, she realized that her bonding talk with Severus lasted 2 hours until now because the time was 5 PM. Undoubtedly, Vernon searched around Cokeworth for her to reprimand her for her sudden flight and control her life or he had already informed her parents about her disappearance. Although, she doubted it because he would be too embarrassed to notify her parents about her missing act. Besides that, if he had informed them, they would call some of her childhood friends or ask around in the neighborhood at first, if they were at all concerned. In addition, they would have sent Lily and her idiotic fiancé James Potter out as a search party through Cokeworth. And although Lily and she were estranged, she nonetheless knew Petunia's favorite spots in Cokeworth and would undoubtedly think about this park. Thanks to their magic abilities, they could find her fast if they wanted to. Consequently, Petunia doubted that Vernon had informed her family about their failed date. But she couldn't risk getting seen with Severus in the park because Lily would never let her forget this strange meeting between two miserable, drinking teens. Besides that, Petunia doubted, that Severus would like to risk a run in with the newly engaged couple. Therefore, Petunia shook herself out of her thoughts and answered Severus in a breathless voice.

"Severus, I will gladly accept your offer because you would fulfill a long-lost dream. I always wanted to know, how potions were brewed because Lily talked about them as if they were some miracle elixir. From overheard talks between you and her, I'm also aware that it was one of her favorite subjects in Hogwarts and somehow resembles chemistry. As I myself was quite fond of sciences like chemistry, biology and physics in school as well, Potions always intrigued me. In addition, I learned now as well as from Lily's gushings that you are a total genius in the art of potion brewing and can't wait to see you at work. I'm really honored, that you would teach me some tricks in an art that you clearly love and excel in. Besides that, I also realized what a huge sign of your trust this offer really is.

You offer to show me – your childhood nemesis and nasty Muggle acquaintance – the wonder of the Magical world and to experience new adventures together. More than that. You offer to loan your prized magical books – I know how much they mean to you from Lily's tales and due to the fact that they are only one of the few possessions your beloved mum left you – to me," here Petunia's voice broke off, she zoomed in her gaze onto Severus' sad obsidian eyes and squeezed his hand sympathetically, "to visit magical places with me and to side-along apparate with you to foreign countries. I can't express, how grateful I'm to you and how happy these endless adventures are going to make me. I know, you are probably already rolling your eyes because you can't believe how rosy I imagine the Magical world and how naïve I'm about our adventures, but I don't care about it.

A magical  love affair - Severus Snape x Petunia EvansWhere stories live. Discover now