Chapter 8 - Lilies aren't always angels!

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Park near Spinner's End, Cokeworth, July 1978

Severus couldn't control his anger anymore. Really, who does Petunia think she is, to tear apart his close friendship with Lily as some based on misinterpretations, false hopes and deceit one-way road. Sure, a little voice inside his head taunted him by replaying words of his fights with Lily or throwing insults in her voice at his face: But Severus tried to turn them out and focus his wrath on Petunia, because he couldn't write his bond to Lily off as a lovely illusion. It hurt too much. So, he breathed heavily, turned his face into an ugly, angry grimace, glared at Petunia and lashed out in an angry voice.

"Petunia, I urge you to stop your talk right now, because all that's coming out of your mouth are blatant lies. Lily was a true friend to me – my only friend, if I'm being honest – who showed me kindness, showered me with affection and comforted me on bad days. You frankly don't know anything about our friendship. So please stop to drag it through the mire. I know that you are jealous of Lily, envy her for her good looks, easy-going nature and magical powers. But this is no excuse to badmouth her in front of me. She didn't use me as her key to the Magical world, period."

Severus had moved dangerously close into Petunia's private space so that he was now nose to nose with her, his breath grazing her cheeks, his blazing obsidian eyes locked with her icy-blues and his last shouted statement ringing in her ears. It seemed to Petunia as if he wanted to shut her up with his intimidating presence. But Petunia kept a straight face, took a deep breath and answered him in a calm voice.

"Severus, I can imagine that my words hurt you deeply because you idolize Lily and love her endlessly. She couldn't possibly do anything wrong in your eyes. But stop trying to hurt me with some petty jibes at my looks and lack of magical abilities or intimidate me with your aggressive behavior. I won't back down and stop talking because I know that it is a desperate attempt on your part to close your eyes tightly on some hurtful truths. And I get you. Actually, I'm a real master in releasing my fears, emotional pain and doubts by lashing out at others. So you can't chase me away with your childish behavior. Face the truth, like you urged me to do in my abusive relationship with Vernon. Lily used you.

Ok, I will agree with you that she might have actually cared for you as her best friend at one point. For she was always happy after returning from your meetings at the park or gushed about your intelligence, good heart or funny nature despite your outward miserable aura of a grumpy, sarcastic and rude boy to my parents. But she never defended you against any bad rumors after your falling out two years ago and she never invited you to celebrate Christmas with us or go on a vacation despite my parents' offer. And since she dates this awful, arrogant snot James Potter she often badmouths you as a dark, evil and dangerous wizard and jokes with Potter and his gang about their bullying of you at Hogwarts. So, she really isn't the perfect, kind-hearted angel you make her out to be."

Severus was flabbergasted by Petunia's audacity to not flinch away from him and continue her unflattering character study of Lily. He wanted to turn around and leave her to her rant because he couldn't bear her demonization of Lily. But he didn't want to act like a coward or petulant child. So he stayed, took a huge gulp out of his Whiskey bottle and thought about his next actions. He would tear her lies and schemes apart after she had finished her rant because she wouldn't listen to him now anyway. She seemed to be determined to show him the true colors of Lily and voice her side of the story. Consequently, Severus managed to cool his emotions down, clear his mind and decided to listen with rapt attention to her observations, for he always kept his promises. And he had promised Petunia at the beginning of their heart-to-heart talk that he would listen to her sorrows, try to understand her reasoning and give her some advice without lashing out at her or taunting her negative feelings towards Lily.

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