Chapter 23 - The electrifying tingles of magic!

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Severus' Home, Spinner's End, Cokeworth, July 1978

Severus couldn't stop the beaming smile that was plastered on his face and transformed his sullen face into a no doubt grotesque grimace. But he didn't give a damn about his appearance or how sappy he might look. His beautiful girlfriend kissed him affectionately on the lips, accepted him for who he was and trusted him enough to let him see inside her mind via magic. His life was a surreal happy dream. He would have never guessed that the seemingly magic-hating Petunia Evans would be so excited to see a spell being cast. Merlin, he had thought until yesterday that Petunia would sneer at him, insult him as a greasy bastard and threaten to call the Aurors if he performed magic in front of her eyes. What a difference a day and a heart-to-heart talk could make.

Now, Petunia was his chance to find happiness, experience real love and believe in his abilities as a talented potions brewer. Hell, she had rescued him from a fate as an evil murdering servant to a crazy Lord and gave him hope to change his life for good. He would try everything in his power to make this new foreign romance work. He was already addicted to her sweet kisses, tender touches, and heart-warming love confessions. He couldn't wait to spend many happy hours with her. Living out magical adventures, discussing their daily life and dreams and making out with her in his newly renovated house. He really was some lucky bastard.

He pecked Petunia quickly on the lips, savored in her cherry taste and floral scent, and stroked her side affectionately. Looking in her clear, sparkling sapphire eyes, he wanted nothing more than to gift her the world and show her how deep his love for her was with passionate kisses, frenzied touches, and tender caresses. But they needed to move on with renovating his kitchen, cooking Penne Napolitana and brewing the Laughing Potion. Therefore, he addressed her in a gushing voice.

"Petunia, I can't express to you how happy I'm right now. Although I'm really tempted to kiss you senseless, I know that we should move on with our evening plans. I can't wait to see your doubtless classy plans for my new kitchen. So, if you are ready, I would like to cast the Mental Images Extraction Spell. Relax, focus on the new design of my kitchen and keep eye contact with me. I promise that I will be gentle." Severus waited for Petunia's sign. Her quick nod, trustful look, and gentle squeeze signaled her readiness. He clasped his beloved wand tightly in his hand, concentrated on the incantation Ostende fantasias and tipped his wand gentle on her temple. He looked into her alluring crystal blue eyes and waited for her mental image to transform.

Petunia felt a little nudge inside her mind, basked in the electrifying tingle of Severus' magical energies and focused her inner eye on the new interior design for Severus' kitchen. She couldn't wait to see her plans transforming out in thin air via a magical hologram-like image above her head, to see the awe in Severus' eyes and to hear his approval. For she had no doubt that he would like her ideas and trusted in her taste. If she was completely honest with herself this whole renovating the house business after her taste made her feel really special and grateful, for she could live out her creative side and help him transform his house almost like his wife-to-be. God, Petunia knew that thinking in these terms and envisioning a happy future with him in wedded bliss was dangerous and rather fast thinking on her side. But she couldn't stop herself from dreaming of a happy future inside this house with Severus by her side.

Sure, she had not even broken thing off with the tyrant Vernon yet and didn't know Severus as a woman should know her fiance. But she felt such a deep connection with him and so in love that her mind couldn't stop picturing this new kitchen as her dream kitchen. Therefore, the picture above their heads showed Petunia's dream kitchen. The walls were painted in a fresh, friendly lime green, mixed up with a lovely cream colored decorative wallpaper picturing green apples that would grace the wall on the left side of the kitchenette, where a little sycamore kitchen table with four matching simple sycamore chairs with lime green upholstery would be placed. The ceiling was painted in cream, whereas the floor consisted of a light brown vinyl floor. The kitchen cabinets themselves were held in graphite tones, complete with chrome-colored door handles, a sycamore wood worktop and a chrome-colored exhaust hood.

A magical  love affair - Severus Snape x Petunia EvansOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora