Chapter 10 - Deals inspire magic!

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Park near Spinner's End, Cokeworth, July 1978

A little smirk graced Severus' face. He couldn't believe that his tactics had worked. Petunia didn't see Lily only in a dark light anymore. She had overthought some of her prejudiced character observations and even promised to establish a sisterly bond with Lily again. All he had to do in return was to state that he won't give up hope to find true love in his life. Sometimes he really was a genius, because he could pretend to keep looking for true love without Petunia even noticing that he was lying and at the same time reunite Lily with her long-lost, hostile sister. Sure, this wouldn't be fair towards Petunia, because she had opened up to him, believed in his sincerity and future achievements and offered him a friendship based on trust, mutual understanding and honesty. And Severus knew that trying to repair her sisterly relationship with Lily really must tax Petunia because she suffers under an inferiority complex and she is a prideful young woman, who doesn't easily acknowledge her mistakes and show her vulnerability to her little sister.

Hence, Severus would really betray Petunia's trust and add another hurt to her already shattered heart, if he would lie to her. Although Severus really didn't believe that true love was something for him, because, let's face it, nobody ever loved him for who he was and surely nobody would ever be in love with him, the greasy, unattractive, impoverished, sarcastic and cruel Potions genius. Severus really believed in soul mates and soul bounds, but he didn't believe that there was any soul mate out there for him. For, how split and miserable must this soul mate be, to complete him? Trapped in his unrequited love and obsession with Lily, Severus couldn't imagine to ever be more attracted to or in love with another woman. And if a miracle happened and he would fall in love with someone, this woman would most likely only laugh about his feelings, mock him for them and reject him like Lily did. Therefore, Severus couldn't quite well be optimistic about any existing love life in his future. He really didn't believe in his chances of ever finding love again and his love for Lily blinded him additionally.

So, on the one hand, he wanted to spurn Petunia's deal due to his hopelessness to ever find love. On the other hand, he wanted to cut her deal because he wanted her to be happier with her life and a repaired sisterly bond with Lily would truly achieve this. Hence, he decided to open his eyes to love again and keep looking for any woman who caught his interest. Sure, he would have to overcome his obsession with Lily to open up his heart to a new woman. A deed that would undoubtedly cost him a lot of time and sorrows. But he would risk processing his unrequited, obsessed love to Lily because it already made him miserable and dangerously close to throwing his life away. Most likely, his life couldn't get any darker or depressed than it was at the moment. So, he really hadn't anything to loose. Well, except his positive memories of his friendship with Lily and some blissfully happy dreams and daydreams. Perhaps, Petunia could help him to be more optimistic and positive about his future because she did believe in him and had already achieved to gain a scholarship at the University of Warwick. Sure, Petunia wasn't the most outgoing or optimistic young woman herself, but she believed in him and his chances of finding love and going into Potions research. Touched by her support, Severus vowed to always believe in her too and encourage her to live her dreams and be her true self because he really liked this blunt, honest and vulnerable Petunia.

Thence, after a few minutes of contemplating her deal, Severus turned his focus on Petunia, looked her deeply into her sapphire blue eyes, hold his hand out to her and replied to her with a smug smile on his face, "We have a deal. I will not bury all my hopes of finding true love and keep my eyes open for any woman that might enchant me. In return, you will begin to repair your broken sisterly relationship with Lily. But I have a little adjustment to make: Petunia, you must also promise me, to not stop looking for love and leave your abusive, cruel bastard of a boyfriend because he destroys you and you deserve to be loved, desired and protected. Thence, call it quits with this dumb, controlling oaf and believe in your chance to find love because I can undoubtedly guarantee you that there is a Prince Charming out there for you. So, can you promise me, to kick Victor's ass?", Severus inquired in a fierce sounding voice.

A magical  love affair - Severus Snape x Petunia EvansWhere stories live. Discover now