Chapter 26 - Amourous Potions brewing!

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Severus' Home, Spinner's End, Cokeworth, July 1978

Severus gazed lovingly at his beautiful girlfriend. Her sapphire eyes sparkled and her honey-blond locks looked angelic due to the candlelight. He couldn't fathom how he got so lucky to call her his girlfriend. Her reactions to his magic still baffled him. He had never met any other person who was so perceptive of his magical energies. Certainly not a Muggle. He would look into it in the future, for it intrigued him greatly. But he wouldn't think about her strange reactions to his magic this night, because he wanted to focus on their developing romance. Besides that, he had promised her to brew a Laughing Potion to cheer her up and introduce her into the fine art of potion making. He knew that she couldn't wait to help him create something magical and he felt special for being the one who would enable her to feel connected to the magical world.

He was glad that he didn't mess up their romantic dinner. His pasta has tasted delicious and he had basked in her adoring gazes throughout dinner. He would never label himself as a romantic, but it was nice to feel loved and show your love through simple gestures. Noticing their empty dishes and glasses, Severus enchanted their dirty crockery to wash and dry themselves above his sink. He loved the time-saving and economic elements of magic. He enchanted his other kitchen utensils with the same spells and put them into their cupboards in no time. Sitting at the emptied table and feeling his magic pulse through his veins, he smiled happily at his love.

"Well, as you can see, it comes in handy to use magic in the kitchen. I promise that I wash the dishes and help you in the household whenever I'm able to. But I have promised you to brew a potion with you later this evening. So, I guess we should move on to this part of our evening plans.", Severus moved to a still flabbergasted Petunia, hugged her and kissed her sweetly on the lips.

"Damn, how addicted can I be to this wizard?", Petunia thought. "His passionate kisses are intoxicating, his lustful gazes make my heart beat faster and his magical energies make my skin tingle with electricity. I can't wait to start this brewing exercise and to explore our connection some more." Kissing him back passionately, she basked in his body heat and enjoyed the moment. Coming up for oxygen after some minutes of heavy snogging. She caressed his cheek lovingly and lost herself in his onyx eyes.

"I can't wait to see you brewing, Mr. Potion's Genius. I must confess that I'm still a bit envious of your magical powers. They would surely help me to finish my chores within minutes. My mum would probably die from a heart attack if she saw dishes, pots, and knives flying around our home. But it would be worth it, for I would have more time to spend with my boyfriend. I can't thank you enough for this lovely dinner. It has been the perfect first date for me, my love. So, where do you hide your potions lab? Lily doesn't have one at our home because it would gather to much space and possibly endanger us. She explained that some ingredients tend to act violently with their environment and that the ones with magical properties couldn't be controlled by us while she attends Hogwarts. Therefore, I haven't been in a potions lab before.", Petunia exclaimed with a sad look on her face. She has always envied Lily for her magical gift and has been devasted when she found out that she wouldn't be able to see the colorful potion vials, wonderous ingredients or funny looking potions utensils.

Severus noticed her sorrowful look, pecked her gently on the lips and answered her in his deep baritone, " Lily was honest with you. She would not have been able to have a lab in her home before her seventeenth birthday anyway, for we are not allowed to do magic outside of Hogwarts before we are of age. And a potions lab can be a danger to Muggles if it has been left alone for some months. Naturally, you can minimize the dangers with some Conserving Charms and Protection Spells and by cleaning your lab out before leaving to Hogwarts, but it would still be a risk in a Muggle household.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 22, 2019 ⏰

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