Chapter 19 - Turning up the heat!

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Severus' Home, Spinner's End, Cokeworth, July 1978

Petunia was focused on her mental image of the new living room designs. She trusted Severus and knew that he wouldn't hurt her. Therefore, she signaled him with a nonverbal nod of her head, a reassuring squeeze of his hand and trusting look into his onyx eyes, that she was ready. Upon receiving her signals, Severus moved his dark, beautiful carved wand on to her temple, took her chin gentle into his left hand and established solid eye contact with her. Severus' gentle touch, piercing obsidian eyes and calm breath, startled her for a moment because inappropriate images kept invading her mind. In her daydream, she saw Severus luscious, pale lips kissing her everywhere, his wicked tongue dancing with hers for domination, his lustful obsidian eyes undressing her and arousing moans escaping his throat in his sexy baritone. Petunia flushed bright red, broke their eye contact and scolded herself for her arousing daydreams. She couldn't think of him like that. He was her new male friend who understood her, vowed to be there for her and to introduce her to the Magical world.

Sure, she could drown in his endless, sparkling obsidian eyes, devour his witty, soft lips and kiss his strong cheekbones, and his deep baritone made her tingle inside, but she needed to clear her mind and focus on the designs for his living room now. He expected her to focus on her designs and she wouldn't disappoint him and embarrass herself by transferring lustful images to him. She could focus on her mental image of his new living room, keep steady eye contact with him and blind out her crush on him. He needed her help in renovating his living room, not a female friend who lusted after him. Besides that, she wanted to see the workings of the Mental Images Extraction Spell Ostende fantasias because it really sounded wicked and she couldn't wait to see her designs for his living room put into motion. Therefore, she concentrated on her living room designs, breathed in deeply and looked Severus straight in the eyes. Thankfully, he had patiently interrupted the spell, gave her some minutes to compose herself and locked eyes with her head-on. When they had established a steady eye contact, sapphire meeting onyx, Severus move his wand to her temple, tipped it gently against it and uttered the incantation Ostende fantasias.

Petunia felt a light tingle inside her head that wasn't painful but nonetheless caused her to feel strange. Before she could overanalyze this strange new feeling that was supposedly caused by Severus' powerful magical energy, she noticed an image transforming in front of her eyes. Severus signaled her that she could break off their eye contact and Petunia looked in awe at the light, building picture. In mere seconds, her mental image of his new living room in its grey, mocha and beige colors and beech wood furniture transformed in a hologram-like state. She couldn't believe how unique, powerful and amazing magic really was. And that you could essentially see inside the heads of other people with one simple spell. Although her envy kept screaming loudly inside her head, Petunia decided to live in the moment and enjoy the magic around her. It was so amazing to feel the magical energy brush your skin or a powerful spell cast in front of your own eyes. And Petunia wanted to throw her arms around Severus' neck in gratitude. A single tear escaped her eyes because she couldn't process the beauty and miracle of the magical world and the fact that she could be a member of it all thanks to Severus.

Lost in her own awe, Petunia hadn't noticed that Severus had approached her. He stood mere centimeters away from her, his hot breath brushed her cheeks and his sparkling onyx eyes beamed as he put his hand gently on her chin, wiped her single tear gently away and hugged her in gratitude. Petunia focused all her self-control on not kissing him passionately on the lips because he stood mere millimeters away. Merlin, if she acted on her instincts, she would probably make a fool of herself and mess up her chance to live out some magical adventures, for Severus couldn't possibly share her wish to snog each other senseless. So, Petunia calmed her wildly beating heart, embraced Severus tightly and breathed in his unique, herbal scent. If she couldn't kiss him, she could surely bask in his body warmth and share some tight hugs like a best friend. She heard weakly how Severus mumbled some words into her ear. Although his closeness and hot breath sent shivers down her spine, Petunia used all her willpower to make out their meaning.

A magical  love affair - Severus Snape x Petunia EvansWhere stories live. Discover now