Chapter 2 - Life hurts like hell!

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Park near Spinner's End, Cokeworth, July 1978

Severus Snape sipped some gulps from his stolen, dusty and cheap Whiskey bottle. Actually, it originally belonged to the well-stocked provisions of cheap hard liquor owned by his alcoholic, good-for-nothing bastard of a "father" Tobias. But Tobias would never again be able to drink his beloved, brain cells reducing liquor because he currently awaited trial in a bleak Muggle prison under the charges of homicide. He had beaten his wife Eileen in a drug-and-alcohol-fueled state of blind rage to death last June. Got arrested by the Muggle police thanks to the call of a noisy old Muggle and awaited his prison sentence in a cell near Manchester. Thinking about the murder of his beloved mum at the hands of her abusive husband, Severus felt an unthinkable rage bubbling up in him. A thirst for revenge tried to overwhelm him and a mixed basket of guilt and regret attacked his depressed soul. He should have been able to protect his mum against the abuse from Tobias. After all, he was a powerful, young, well-trained in the Dark Arts, wizard who could deal with the pathetic, drunken and jobless inhuman monster Tobias. He should have brewed a dark potion for Tobias or hexed him into oblivion. He could have brewed a Mind-Erasing Potion that would have let him lose all his memories of his freakish family, escaping from Cokeworth without a memory and living somewhere else on the streets. A Personality-Altering Potion that would have changed his violent, bullying and miserable personality into a kind, proud of his family and ambitious in finding new job, fake man in his mid-forties. Or a Health-Disturbing Potion that would have weakened him constantly, so that he couldn't leave his bed and scream insults at his wife or beat her into a frail, broken and submissive woman. Sure, the sanctions for brewing these illegal potions, administering them to a Muggle and altering his life against his will, would have been some years in Azkaban. But Severus now wished that he would have taken this chance.

But he hadn't done anything. Consequently, his mum was now dead. A cold corpse in a Muggle pauper's grave. After suffering nearly twenty years under the verbal as well as physical abuse of her alcoholic husband. Under her impoverished, foreign and miserable life in the Muggle world. Under the disinheritance, rejection and hatred of her parents, the wealthy and esteemed Pureblood Princes, for marrying a working-class Muggle. Under the isolation from the Wizarding world and her magical roots and the degeneration of her magical powers. The vibrant, raven-black haired and blue-eyed young woman in the few magical photos who waved happily in the camera, joked around with her friends, played highly concentrated Gobstones or beamed with happiness and pride showing her Hogwarts certificate, had been reduced to a sickly skinny, haggard and depressed looking woman, whose beauty had faded, magical powers had nearly vanquished and sane mind had crumbled into pieces. She was left a broken, sorrowful and hopeless woman by the supposed love of her life. A man, who had vowed in a church, in front of the Muggle God to always love, protect and support his wife, in good times as well as in bad times.

Severus shook his head mercilessly and broke out into a miserable, hysterical sounding laugh while thinking about the stupidity of the Muggles. To believe in some almighty, merciful deity, who forgave them for their sins and guided them on their life paths because he supposedly loved them unconditionally and only wanted the best for them. In Severus opinion, there wasn't some puppet player in the universe, who controlled the actions, morals and thinking of all human beings as if they were his unfree, brain- and heartless puppets. Because every human could act deliberately thanks to its free will, intelligence, and emotions. And if your father was a sadistic, violent, unintelligent and lazy alcoholic without a heart, your life really sucked. Severus knew from his own experience that positive emotions like love, friendship, happiness and joy only caused pain. Love only hurts, because it could reduce you into a lovesick fool who was obsessed with his special someone, made awful life choices and put on an act to earn the approval of his love. So that you lost yourself in the end and threw away your life, only to be rejected, abandoned and broken. In fact, Severus knew from wistful stories of his mum, that she met Tobias in a Muggle restaurant, fell quickly in love with him and married him to live a life in happiness, joy and love - caught in the misconception of him being her soulmate. But after one year of blissful happiness, Tobias had shown his true colors. He had criticized and belittled Eileen for everything. Her poor cooking skills, her fashionable outfits, her asking after his workday. He had screamed profanities and insults at her for being a bad housewife, not cleaning the house spotless enough, not managing her small housekeeping money smart enough, not washing the laundry well enough. And he hadcontrolled her life. No reading of strange books, no waving around with a stick, no meetings with female neighbors.

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