the evening

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Happy Valentines Day everyone!! Sorry I haven't updated for a while, I was super sick with the flu and strep throat on top of it.  Yeah it was bad. But i'm doing so much better now. Anyways enjoy :)

In front of you was a big hill (don't worry it was fenced off) and an amazing view of the city and a bunch of trees. 

Y/n- "Oh my goodness this is amazing!! How did I not know about this??"

Finn- "Well not many people know how to get here the way we did. There's also a trail that you can drive to but this way is much faster. So.... pretty cool huh?"

He looked at you and smiled. You immediately smiled back. That boy has a contagious smile for sure.

Y/n- "Yeah it's awesome!"

Finn blushed a little and he sat down in some dandelions. You sat next to him.

Y/n- "So... why did you want me to come here?"

Finn laughed nervously. 

Finn-"Well... my brother said I need to talk to girls more. He told me to ask for your number at the store."

y/n- "Ohh.."

Finn- "I told you to come here with me cause... I dunno... I just wanna talk. I don't even know anything about you yet." he said, fidgeting with his fingers.

You grinned.

Y/n- "Oh gosh I don't even know where to start... well.. my name is y/n y/l/n, and I'm online schooled."

You looked at him shyly.

Y/n- "O-oh.. and... I'm a huge Stranger Things fan..."

You felt so creepy saying that to Finn Wolfhard.

Y/n- "I-I don't want you to think i'm like one of those crazy fangirls that screams when they see you... I... I don't know I just wanna be your friend... that sounds kinda weird... uhh heheheh...." you glanced up at him and he was staring into your eyes. Your face went bright red. 

Finn- "No no its cool! I didn't think you were like that. Your different from most fans I meet. Idk why." he looked down again. "So tell me more about you.."

You still couldn't believe you were having a full on conversation with FINN WOLFHARD. But you were getting better at staying chill.

You smiled and looked out into the city.

Y/n- "Well... I'm an only child and I have a dog named Daisy. She's a Cocker Spaniel. I also love to take pictures and read. I don't really get out of the house very often but I do like adventures."

He smiled.

Finn- "Haha me too. Well I'm assuming you already know a lot about me right?"

You giggled.

Y/n- "Unfortunately.. yeah. I've been obsessed with the show for almost three years..."

Finn laughed a little.

Finn- "Hey it's cool! Just because you know me from the show doesn't mean i'm gonna think of you differently."

You looked at him and smiled. He looked back at you and smiled back. Then you started blushing. Then he started blushing.

You could've sworn you saw him move a little closer to your face. Holy crap. He was glancing at your lips!! "Is he gonna kiss me???" you thought

He was slowly leaning in so you decided to do the same. Your faces were so close together but  then you were both startled by a bird that flew through the bushes right behind you.

Your heart was pounding.

Y/n- "Omg!! That scared the crap out of me!!"

He had backed away from your face.

Finn- "M-Me too!" His face was bright red. "S-Sorry that was weird... I-I dunno what I was doing... M-Maybe we should just head back now..."

You were kinda disapointed but you agreed. 

There was a beautiful sunset in front of you and it looked amazing with the rest of the view. But it was getting late and your mom was probably wondering where you went.

Finn got up and he held out his hand to help you up. He was such a gentleman :)

You took his hand and smiled and you started walking back together.

When you got back to the park it was getting pretty dark.

Y/n- "Well that was really cool! thanks for showing me." you smiled.

Finn- "Yeah of course."

Then he put his arm around you and hugged you. FINN HUGGED YOU!!

You blushed and hugged him back.

Finn- "Have a safe walk home. Bye y/n!"

You smiled and waved.

Y/n- "See ya Finn!" and you started to walk back home. You had a smile on your face the whole time.

𝕞𝕖𝕒𝕟𝕥 𝕥𝕠 𝕓𝕖 // 𝕗𝕚𝕟𝕟 𝕨𝕠𝕝𝕗𝕙𝕒𝕣𝕕 𝕩 𝕣𝕖𝕒𝕕𝕖𝕣Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora