oh no you didn't

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Edit: this chapter sucks haha. i was really tired and i wasn't really in writing mode y'know? but i hope you like it anyways even though its a mess :')

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you all looked back startled.

Finn- "Nick?? Did you uhm.... see that?"

Nick- "Uh yeah!! and I recorded it. I'm putting it on snapchat!"

Finn- "What no come on!!"

Nick walked back into the gAmiNg room idk what to call it hahaha with his eyes glued to his phone.

Finn- "NICK!" he ran after him.

We all just stood there awkwardly. You were really embarrased.

Y/n- "I didn't know he was recording...."

Caleb- "I'm sorry... this is all my fault. I'm the one that made you guys kiss.."

Y/n- "It's okay... you didn't see him either."

Gaten- "I don't even see what the big deal is!! So what if he recorded it??"

Caleb- "Are you serious?? If that video gets leaked it's gonna be a huge deal. All the fangirls will be pissed and I bet Finn and Y/n will get a ton of hate."

Gaten- "Oh... true."

Y/n- "Whatever its fine! I bet Finn won't let him post it. Plus even if he does... the fans are gonna have to find out we're together at some point... although I didn't want them to find out like this...."

Finn walked out slowly.

Millie- "Well??"

Finn- "He posted it."

Gaten- "What?!"

Finn- "I don't really care anymore... we can't just hide this forever..."

Y/n- "Yeah you're right."

It was quiet for a second so you picked up your phone.

Y/n- "CRAP"

Finn- "What is it?!"

Y/n- "I totally forgot to tell my mom where I was.... I've been gone for like almost four hours... there are a ton of texts from her... she's freaking out."

Finn- "Does that mean you have to go?" he said sadly.

Y/n- "I-I probably should..."

Finn- "I can walk you home!" (lets just pretend everything is within walking length since most of the characters can't drive yet haha)

Y/n- "That would be great." you smiled.

He took your hand.

Millie- "Aahh Y/s/n!!!" (your ship name)

You all laughed.

Y/n- "Bye guys!! Thanks for today." you said with a smile.

Caleb- "Yeah anytime!!"

Sadie- "Bye Y/n!"

They all waved and said goodbye.

You and Finn walked upstairs and he opened the front door for you.

* * *

You guys had been walking for a while talking and laughing about random things.

Finn- "hey you know how I said we could all watch a show at my house?"

Y/n- "Yeah?"

Finn- "Well I was wanting to watch Stranger Things. Idk I thought it would be cool to watch a show next to the people that are in it."

Y/n- "Aw dang it that would've been awesome. Sorry I had to leave early..."

Finn- "No no it's fine!"

Finn- "But uh since you didn't get to stay longer um.. would you wanna come to my house soon and we can watch it?"

Y/n- "Sure!! With the rest of the cast?"

Finn ran his hand through his hair shyly.

Finn- "Well I was thinking just you and me.. i-if you want to...."

Y/n- "Like as... a date..?"

Finn blushed.

Finn- "Y-yeah maybe.."

Y/n- "Finn i'd love to!! You don't have to be so shy around me anymore... since we're together now. Plus I really like you... I'd love to do anything with you.... I'd even jump off a cliff with you if thats what you wanted to do.... I've always liked you. I just can't believe you even like me! I'm so boring... oh..... great... i'm rambling again aren't I..."

You looked up at Finn embarrased and he was just staring at you.

Finn- "Of course I like you... you're beautiful Y/n. And you aren't like most girls I meet... most of them are crazy and they like try to kiss me or do weird stuff like that but you are pretty chill and I like it."

You blushed and grinned.

Y/n- "Finn... you are so sweet!!"

He just blushed and smiled.

* * *

We finally got to my house and stood on the driveway.

Finn- "So uh.. would this Friday work for you to come to my house to watch Stranger Things?"

Y/n- "Yeah I think so! I'll text you."

Finn- "Perfect."

He smirked.

Finn- "See ya babe."

The biggest smile grew across your face.

Y/n- "Bye Finnie." you said smiling.

He blew you a kiss and put his hands in his pockets and started walking away.

That boy was so confusing. Sometimes he was super shy, and sometimes he was more confident and flirty. But you didn't mind. You liked both sides.

You were on cloud nine but the happiness suddenly faded when you remembered you had to face your mom.

(I'm not gonna write the whole dialogue for this situation because it doesn't really have to do with the story.)

She was pretty mad at you at first but then she was happy for you because she knew how much you love Stranger Things. But she still made sure you would tell her every time you went out.

𝕞𝕖𝕒𝕟𝕥 𝕥𝕠 𝕓𝕖 // 𝕗𝕚𝕟𝕟 𝕨𝕠𝕝𝕗𝕙𝕒𝕣𝕕 𝕩 𝕣𝕖𝕒𝕕𝕖𝕣Where stories live. Discover now