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beebsurine: Uhhhhh I'm gonna say that its you. 

mikeywaybar: You right 

frnkenstein: WAIT REALLY?! 

geeway: Uhhh...surprise babe! 

frofro: Who even paid for this..? 

ryro: I may or may not have had a friend hack Gee's parents bank account.... 

danielhowell: That friend was me... 

amazingphil: YOU DID WHAT?! 

danielhowell: Gee promised to get me a puppy...

amazingphil: Then its all fine! 

aesthetical_aaron: DAN TOPS! 

danielhowell: ...... 

amazingphil: No comment 

trohmosexual: You right tho 

danielhowell: Wheres the lie. 

danielhowell: I mean. Uhhh no? 

amazingphil: Goddammit Dan. 

danielhowell: LANGUAGE 

madyleine_hill: Says you 

geeway: Well guys. We got to go. Its time to meet this band. 

frnkenstein: YES 

mikeywaybar: BYE! ILL SEND PICS! 

wonderlandjoseph: But we already know what you all look like...? 

mikeywaybar: Tru. 

amazingphil: Well yall have fun! 

frofro: Ill make sure of that. 


staypyroful: Where are you meeting them..? 

mikeywaybar: NEW YORK CITY! 

aesthetical_aaron: HAVE FUN FUCKERS 


The four of them were waiting in the lobby of the airport when Mikey started screeching. 

"What the fuck?" Frank asked, looking at the boy confused as hell. 

"THEY HAVE STUFFED UNICORNS! GEE CAN I HAVE ONE?!" Mikey screamed, pointing at the gift shop that had small and giant unicorns hanging in the window. 

"Mikey. Do you really need it? You already have ten at home." Ray spoke up, looking at his boyfriend. Mikey nodded, and started jumping. He was acting like a literal kid over a damn stuffed unicorn. 

Gee sighed and looked at her  brother and smiled. How can she say no? Mikey does so much for her, so she can do this for him. She loves Mikey so much, but they have to hurry. They can't miss their flight. 

"Frank you have the tickets?" Gee asked, looking at her lover smiling. He shook his head and Gee's eyes widened. This cannot be happening. 

"WHAT?!"  Mikey screeched

"Don't get your panties in a twist Mikes. I gave them to Ray." Frank said, and Ray nodding, holing up the tickets. 

The Way brothers both let out a sigh of relief. 

Gee was already stressing out and they haven't even gotten on the plane yet. He really needed to chill out. 

"Mikey lets get that unicorn." She said, patting her brother on the back. Mikey smiled even wider, if that was even possible, and nodded. This caused Gee to smile as well. Seeing Mikey was the one thing that Gee loved. And the other way around. 

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