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mikeywaybar: ....Yes

frofro: When did you find out?!

mikeywaybar: Last week..


frofro: TO TELL ME?!


ryro: Guys...just leave him alone. Okay?

kayisweird: Yeah. He doesn't need all of this stress.

mikeywaybar: Thank you..

kayisweird: You can always count on us Mikes.

geeway: Im still trying to process this..

frofro: Same...

frnkenstein: You both are assholes.

frnkenstein: Mikes you can come to my room if you want. Gee is downstairs.

mikeywaybar: Already on my way.

frnkenstein: Okay


Mikey hated this. He hated that he was going through this, but his boyfriend and sister were being dicks about the whole thing. Sure, he gets that they need to process this, but they didn't need to react like that. It just hurt more than it helped him.

He made his way down the hall, to Frank's room. The shorter man was always the best person to go to during a time like this, aside from Ray.

Mikey opened the door, and Frank was just sitting on his bed. Frank looked up once the door opened and frowned. Mikey looked a mess. Not physically, just emotionally.

"Oh Mikes.." Frank said, moving over to make room for the boy. Mikey walked over and sat next to Frank. He didn't ask for this to happen, it just happened. It's not something that he wanted, but he's going to deal with it.

"I-I didn't ask for this." Mikey said, leaning into Frank. No, this is not weird. The four friends said that it was ago to go to the others' boyfriends if they needed anything. And in that moment, Mikey need Frank.

"I know. Just give them some time, and they'll come around." Frank said, rubbing his soon to brother in law's back. Mikey nodded, not wanting to verbally talk about it anymore. Just the thought of it makes him want to cry and he refuses to cry in front of Frank. He doesn't like to show emotion around people unless it's Ray.

The two of them sat like that. In silence.

(And now I just sit in silence. That was bad...okay I'm done.)

Frank felt bad for Mikey, he didn't deserve to feel like this. This was supposed to be a happy time in his life, and he's almost in tears, sitting in Frank's room. Frank made a mental note to kick Ray's ass later. Or at least attempt to, since you know, Ray is taller and a lot more stronger than Frank. But will that stop him? No.


(GC between Frank, Gee, and Ray!)

frnkenstein: I cant fucking believe you guys.

frnkenstein: Youre supposed to be making him feel safe and loved, yet hes feeling hurt and betrayed. What the hell is wrong with you.

frnkenstein: And Ray? You of all people should be there for more than anyone.

frofro: I just need to process this Frank!

frofro: We're all still in high school ffs!

frnkenstein: IT TAKES TWO TO MAKE A KID!

Gay Emo Bibleजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें