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Spence: Obviously you J-Dawg

zombieking: STOP. CALLING. ME. J-DAWG!

ryro: I think its funny.

zombieking: YEAH?! WELL YOURE GAY!

ryro: Yeah. I am..

beebsurine: He is. I can confirm.

mikeywaybar: Hiiiii

ryro: Good mood today?

frofro: For now.

mikeywaybar: My moods cant make up their damn minds.

geeway: Chocolate?

mikeywaybar: Please..

geeway: On the counter.

mikeywaybar: Thank you

wonderlandjoseph: Sibling goals.

danielhowell: Well shit.

amazingphil: Shut up. You love your brother

danielhowell: Sometimes

amazingphil: All the time

ryro: GUYS!

ryro: Does anyone else wanna know the backstory to Joncer?

xxp3t3w3ntzxx: I DO!

Spence: Well shit.

zombieking: ILL TELL THE STORY!



Jon was standing behind the counter at the local café.

He checked his phone.


Jon always looks forward to this time.

The boy that always came to the café, his name is Spencer, always made Jon smile.

"One large orange juice please." Jon heard the voice, that damn voice he always looked forward to hearing.

Jon smiled and nodded, typing the order on the screen. Spencer was already getting his money out, he knows the amount by heart. He orders the same thing every day just to see the boy behind the counter.

But, Jon doesn't know that. Not yet.

Jon took the boy's money, and got the boy's drink.

He handed it to Spencer, and the boy smiled. Everyone in the café, which was only Ryan and Brendon at the moment, knew what the hell was going on. It was obvious, but not to the two boys.

*A few days late*

Spencer was at the café, but Jon wasn't there.

Jon's friends, Ryan and Brendon were there.

"Guys, have you seen that Jon guy?" He asked Brendon and Ryan.

Brendon worked with Jon, and Ryan always just hangs out with his boyfriend for the morning shift.

"He's coming in for the afternoon shift. You want an orange juice?" Brendon asked, smile never leaving his face. Spencer shook his head, turning to walk out of the small building.

He was on his way out when he looked outside and saw the one boy he's been looking for. Spencer smiled, and stood there staring at Jon like an idiot.

"Sorry I'm late!" Jon yelled, walking into the café, ignoring Spencer on accident. He stopped in his tracks, and turned to look at the boy. He then smiled, and turned to Brendon.

Gay Emo Bibleजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें