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Chapter Two: Fun Game

"There you go!" Yuri said happily. They all sat next to each other in the grass, facing the bon fire. Before the bonfire, the meal was resting in the leaves. Their meal was just roasted fishes and rice. "Thanks for the meal" They all said with their own hands pressed together as they began to eat afterwards. After eating, Juuzou a big burp.

"That's delicious..." she said relieved. "Right Aya-chan?!" she added and elbowed the bluish-haired man next to her. Ayato just nodded his head in agreement. Naoi sighed and went in the front of Juuzou, Ayato and Yuri, in the other side of the bonfire. He breathe in for air.

"Alright, then I will explain you everything." he said as he released the air he hold. "I know you still have no idea about this world." The girl just nodded.

"So, first of all, we're in a game. Just a new released game. And our goal is to win the fight of us and the enemies. And now, we can fight the foes even easier because we're finally four!" Yuri said joyfully. The man raised an eyebrow.

"What are we fighting for?"

"Ha! Good question!" She fixed her position for a while and cleared her throat. "...we are fighting to get out of this world." She turned serious. She sighed deeply as if she already want to leave the world. Naoi looked down to his hands and think for a while.

"You know, we already loose several times... It was so hard fighting while we still don't know the real meaning of this world." She said frustrated, she laid her hand on her chest. "...and yet, I keep on reversing the game."

"We can fight the enemies even clearer if you're with us." Juuzou said, looking at Naoi. Naoi looked back to her, he smiled and nodded approvingly. "That's right." He agreed. Juuzou giggled and stood up.

"Alright then, let's put the training by a little fun game." Juuzou suggested as she grabbed a few newspapers she have collected. She rolled them as she raised it. "This is my weapon!" Juuzou said. Yuri grinned interestingly at the girl's idea.

"I'm in!" Yuri said and stood up, she went towards to Juuzou and took a newspaper and rolled them like how Juuzou made them. Juuzou rolled another two newspaper for the boys, she handed it to them. They have no choice but to take the girl's offer. Juuzou started.

"Okay, so I'll be teaming up with Naoi-san. And you, Yuri-chan and Aya-chan will be the teammates for now." She said as she posed. The green-haired boy smirked at the one in the front of him. "Whenever one's weapon is down, she or he will be out!" She explained clearly and joyfully.

"3, 3, 1... Fight!" Juuzou said and raised her hand. The two Ayato run and met in the middle, with their 'weapons' defending their selves.

"This will be a tough fight." Naoi whispered while looking at the man in front of him. Kirishima smirked. "Totally." But suddenly the intense scene was broken.

"BAAAM!!" Juuzou exclaimed, slashing Kirishima's weapon for the reason for it to fly in the air. It happened very fast. Kirishima stared at the newspaper, his mouth open while watching it hit the ground. Kirishima clenched his fist and teeth in anger and slowly turned to the black-haired girl.

"JUUUZOUUU!!!" He raised his voice. He snatched the weapon of hers and began hitting her repeatedly in the butt.

"It supposed to be a great battle between us but you suddenly appeared like shit! This is what you have to get for approaching me without even a respect!!" Kirishima Ayato yelled out and kept on hitting Juuzou. Once he finally gave up on her, he finally released her and threw her weapon away.

"Agh!! That hurts!!" Juuzou began collapsing while protecting her own butt as she rolled down. "Tch, we're both out." Ayato just stared at the girl's actions.

"Then I'll take this one." Yuri said while running towards to the green-haired boy. She aimed his weapon as she slashed it but he defended himself. "Not so fast, shorty." He teased her height.

"I don't care if I'm small, what I care is that I'm alive." She just said. "That's the spirit." Naoi smirked. They both lifted their weapons in opposite sides as they began to smack each other, but when their weapons met, it both flew up on different sides. Juuzou and Ayato just watched the newspapers flew and hit the ground.

"Then... Who'd won this match?" Kirishima just asked, his arms crossed while looking at the two. "It had been a good battle." Juuzou just said, tilting her head a little.

"It's obviously me." Naoi said, tipping his cap. Yuri denied it.

"You? Your weapon flew up!" She said unfairly. "Well, yours flew up either." Juuzou sighed while looking the two argue. Ayato noticed her, and began to worry. "Are you alright?" He asked worried. Juuzou just nodded. Ayato grabbed her wrist.

"Come with me." He said and run exit the forest.

"Huh?! W-where are you taking me?!"


As the two exited the forest and entered the beach part, they both panted for air.

"What the heck...?" Juuzou just said, still panting. Ayato remained in silence. Juuzou glanced at him and knelt in her knees.

"Was it about, Naoi again?" he said in a low voice. But still he didn't get an answer. He tried to think of a way to make the girl cheer up.

"How about... Let's make our own mission!" Ayato suggested. Juuzou stood properly and turned to him.

"You is to Naoi and me is to the new fellow." Ayato said. He grinned at the black-haired girl as she returned it back.

"Ah! That's my boi! I know you knew what to do!" she said, wrapping her arms around his shoulder and brushing his hair.

"Deal then."

Next Time: No Escape   

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