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Chapter Eight: Mission Success?

The day after that day...

"Ahh, Finally fresh air!" Juuzou said, getting up from her bed. She went out of her room as she then saw the team leader. She approached him joyfully.

"Hi there, Na—" She haven't continue and stepped backwards when she saw her leader wrapping a cloth on his injuries in his hand, she stopped in a distance. He stared at the boy's action. She sighed deeply in disappointment of not knowing what to do. Do she really just have to stand there? She must do something. A push on her back make her step more closer on to the leader, it made her turned around to look who did it. And there she saw Ayato standing, he glanced at the boy in her back and glanced back to her, signaling for her to approach him and help him. She nodded her head as a response. She approached him,

"Are you alright?! Ayato II?!" She yelled which startled the boy a little and get annoyed.

"Of course and will you stop calling me by that name?!" He raised his voice. As the scene continues, Kirishima started to fade in that moment. He turned his back to them and began to leave. As he walk, he has a feeling of disappointment, what makes him that way? After all she helped a person. An important friend. He walk forwards to the room where Yuri is. He watch her sleep and just leaned his back against the door frame but then something dripping against the roof sounded, it made him look at the window.

"Rain...?" He asked himself and wondered. The girl who was sleeping shifted her body on the other side as she wake up. She stretched her arms and started rubbing her eyes. She turned to the bluish haired boy.

"Oh, Good morning Kirihsima-san." She greeted softly. Ayato nodded and greeted her back. He glanced back to the window and stared at the raindrops. Naoi then appeared to the scene.

"Everyone, let's take a break fast." He told them as he walked away which signaled them to follow after him. They both followed him down the building.


"After we eat, I'm going to tell all of you something important." Naoi said and took a bite of the cooked fish. They were all sitting at the same seat and sitting next to each other. They eat silently and awkwardly. As they Naoi eating the food, he started speaking.

"Tomorrow, we'll start fighting that's why we'll be training." Naoi said which made everyone gasped out loud.

"Huh?! Tomorrow?!" Juuzou exclaimed and dropped her food. "Yes, tomorrow, that's why I'll train you all especially Nakamura." He said as he stood up from his seat.

"Actually, we only have to train Yuri-chan because you've been training us since we've got here." Juuzou said. Ayato nodded approvingly as he turned to the green-haired boy. Naoi sighed. "Fine with me, then we'll all test her strength." He just said.


"Alright, let's start with the weapons." Naoi said and place a tons of different kinds of weapons that are made of Iron and metal on the grass field. "Choose one."

"Anything?" She asked. The boy just nodded his head. She glanced back to the weapons and started choosing. She grabbed the sniper made of Iron. "This one!" She said and lifted the sniper, she then saw a large-blade sword.

"And also this one!" She said and grabbed the sword. "Didn't I just said 'Just one?!'" Naoi yelled. Yuri hung her head and put the sniper back.

"Then I'll just take this..." She said depressively.


"I'll go first!" Juuzou said and grab the other sword, she faced the girl in the front of her. "Are you ready?" She asked. Yuri sighed nervously.

"This is just a test, I can do this!" Yuri said to herself. She nodded in response. They met up in the middle and started the fight. Juuzou swung her sword to the left as Yuri shielded herself. The magenta-haired girl tried to fight back to her but Juuzou have dodge her attack. The fight continues... they both have the same strength but once Juuzou slash and defended herself for her attack, it made Yuri's sword flew up.

"Nice battle!" Juuzou said and gave her hand out. Yuri nodded and took her hand as they shake hands. "Alright, next one!" Juuzou yelled and turned her eyes to Ayato, she winked which signaled him. Ayato blinked and nodded his head.

Ayato started walking forwards to Yuri as Juuzou gave him the sword and walk out, she sat beside Naoi on the grassy spot of the field. Ayato glanced to the girl in front of him. The girl nodded and posed.

"3, 2, 1.... Fight!!!" Juuzou raised her fist as the met up in the middle and started the battle. It was just almost same as Juuzou and Yuri's battle BUT, when Yuri shielded herself for his attack, Ayato hit her weapon by his sword for the reason for Ayato's weapon to bounce.

"What the heck?!" He said while watching his sword land on Juuzou and Naoi's front. Yuri burst out laughing which made Ayato disappointed for a while.

"What?!" He said to the laughing girl, Juuzou started laughing a little too. Ayato saw the magenta-haired girl laughing for so much and never realized that he's the one who made her laugh. It made him smile for a while and started laughing also. Juuzou realized them as her smile faded slowly.

"What...?" She asked to herself. She was happy earlier, but what makes her feel this way? She glanced at the boy next to him, to look if he's alright. He was just starring at the two. He then began to stand up and approached them.

"What's funny? Step aside..." He said and snatched the sword from Ayato. Ayato backed off as Naoi seriously face the girl in front of him. They both stopped laughing and turned serious, Yuri sighed and put herself back together again.

They started fighting as Ayato sat next to Juuzou. Their fight was more way different than the others. It was so serious. Naoi's movement was fast, like Yuri can't even focus on targeting him and just shielding herself for his attacks. After some attacks, Yuri then pointed her sword through his heart but then got slashed by Naoi to make it flew up.

"End of battle." He said, their battle ended quickly unlike the battle she have with others. Yuri just hung her head of embarrassment.

"The mission is really going in a success isn't it?" Juuzou jokingly said. Ayato smiled at her. "It sure is..." He responded. Juuzou sighed and forced a smile.

"I'm glad for the two of you..."

Next Time: First Battle

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