Monday's Loving

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The next day had flown by, I was laying in my bed. Not on the couch anymore.

The sun was shining bright through my curtains and I turned to the other direction, tracing my fingers up and down on my bed. Where's Takumi?

I sat up slowly, rubbing my eyes and yawned. As I looked around my room, I saw a note on my dresser. I picked it up and read what it said

Morning sunshine, had to go work today :(
I'll see you when I get off, make sure Blake isn't around when I come back ;) teehe just kidding, my love.
I love u Strawblairey :)

The biggest smile flew across my face and I squealed blissfully yet tiredly. Blake knocked on my door, opening it seconds later and crossed his arms with a grin

"I see you and Takumi are hitting off perfectly."
"Believe me when I say this: We are."
We both chuckled and stretched at the same time.
"He comin' over again?...". He murmured
"Mhm, maybe you guys could play your video games. I do feel really bad that he's hanging out with me way more than you." I tried not to rub it in his face, I actually did meant what I said. Ever since we dated, Takumi hasn't played games nor hung out with Blake not once. So yes, in all honesty I felt horrible.

Blake's smile beamed and he leaned against the door "You mean that?"
"Yes, I really do. Besides, I could watch and cheer for him rather than cheer for you." I mischievously shrugged with a tiny sense of confidence and watched how his expression turned from laughing to growling under his breath.

"Yea yea yea, get dressed you nasty turd. I'm taking us both out for breakfast." Blake turned to the hallway.

Every Monday, we used to go out for breakfast and head down to Hollywood and check places out. After I had left Ray and began to do drugs, he lost faith in me and didn't even try anymore.

"Wait...seriously?" I peeked my head to the door, my face going soft. Blake turned back to face me and nodded.
"I missed doing this. My answer is yes." He knew that I was already tearing up due to my voice and how I responded.

He turned away and down the stairs "Get ready twerp!" He shouted.

My heart beat with joy and I couldn't stop expressing my happiness. Tears of relief dripped down my cheeks, my life was growing back again.

The flowers in my garden was evolving and becoming stronger than before. I didn't want to sound melodramatic but my life was really on top of the world. I loved every single moment of every second of my life, if that even makes sense.

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