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Monday went off to a great start.

Blake and I had our breakfast and rekindled our brotherly/sisterly relationship. We didn't have those small talks, the ones where you ask every second "How you feeling?"
"Any plans for the future?"
"Do you finally know what you want to do with your life?" type of shit. It was a natural, non-hesitant talking and I loved it too much. Our relationship was back to how it was in the past: Caring and loving.

It didn't take long for us to finish our food and head on home, Takumi was hanging around the front porch, his adorable self kicking his feet against the concrete as he waited patiently.

"Hey love bird! You can stop acting cute." Blake scoffed jokingly and crossed his arms. Takumi's face popped up with an immediate smile.

I smiled small, eyeballing Takumi while he quickly and happily walked over to me, his girlfriend. He picked me up in his arms with a big o'grin and nuzzled me close to his face.

"There's my sweet strawblairey." Takumi giggled, giving me everlasting kisses and squeezing me tightly.
I laughed, playfully squirming in his arms and smirked "Noooo! Stopppp!" I cupped his cheeks, our lips instantly brushed against each other's and smooched for a few seconds before Blake coughed dramatically to cut our moment.
"Enough...god this isn't a remake of Twilight is it?" He cringed, his legs hurrying through the door to get that scene out of his brain.
"Your middle school jokes are not funny! If Violet is telling you otherwise...she's lying!" I won the comeback.

"You doing okay?...". Takumi laid his hands on my waist and I nodded, twirling my thumb across his left cheek.
"Mhm...and you?"
"Now that you are here, I'm fricking great...". Takumi kisses my neck for just a second and pulled his face away, holding my hand.
"Come on, your brother is probably all alone in that big house." He nudged me, joyfully walking inside the house with me following behind.

We walked inside the house, Blake was sitting on the couch with his feet laying on top of the small table in the middle of the living room.
"Ey, so Takumi, I was hoping that we could play some games for a little while? We haven't played in awhile and we still need to beat that damn boss in Resident Evil." Blake sounded like a complete fanboy. A nerd of a brother.
Takumi grinned and cracked his knuckles "Fuck yea bro, I missed you." He hopped over the couch, sitting beside Blake and they playfully wrestled. They were little boys for a few seconds.

I headed over to the couch too, sitting beside Takumi with a chuckle "Resident Evil? The last boss? Blake I killed the boss in one try!" I proudly beamed to myself, glancing over at Blake.

Blake sighed irritatingly.
"It's hard okay! Girls are smarter anyways." He mocked me.
"Girls are smart??" Takumi teased me, nudging my arm and I groaned dramatically.
"Yes! We are indeed intelligent, and can solve situations with no problem!" I crossed my arms with a snicker.
"Oh yeah?...sheesh, tell that to Skyler." Takumi sneered, waiting for the game to resume back to the last mission Blake was on.

Two hours flew by, Blake and Takumi still on the couch, with their feet on the small table and I was over in the kitchen making myself a cheese sandwich. They seemed to go back to their old selves; all goofy and childish. It made me happy that Blake was happy to be hanging out with his best friend.

"We did it- WE DID IT!" Blake put a fist in the air and sighed loudly in relief "Fuck yea!" He cheered.
Takumi playfully wrapped an arm around his neck "Aww yea! It wasn't that hard you bitch." He cackled, smirking and removed his arm from his neck.
"Hey hey hey, easy now or you'll get a fist in your mouth." Blake laughed, gazing over at me as I walked over with a half-eaten sandwich.
"I had told him it wasn't so hard." I teased
"Girls are smart." Blake grumbled.
"Are not." Takumi replied
"Say it again and I'm throwing this sandwich in your face." I scoffed, finishing the last bite and dusted off my hands.

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