Chapter 1

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Jodie's POV:

Its been 3 years to date since I left Harry Styles the letter. And even now, it is still the hardest thing I have ever done. He didn't do anything to me, but after social media reactions, and by the look of the crowds, I just couldn't deal with it.

So, hows Harry Styles now days you ask? Well, I still get voicemails and calls every now and then, and I do listen to them. He is always sobbing and I have to admit, i cry too. Its always the "H-hey Jodie, h-how are you going, I-I miss you. Give me a call back. Ok thanks, uh bye." sort of thing. It is nice to hear him say my name. However after I left him, things really went downhill for him. He got into drugs and alcohol. He went to rehab for a few months, but still, in interviews and tv shows, at the sheer mention of my name or something that happened during the time when we were together, things like the bakery and ice skating, he will just freeze for a minute. The boys always step in and help with the answer but it is hard to watch. When Harry comes home for breaks, that's when I go somewhere else. I hear that when he does come, he doesn't go outside. I remember once when he came to my house while I was home. he knocked on the door and i had to hide. He left me flowers, tulips, with a note attatched saying "I still love you." That came with a few days of staying home and not going outside unless I had to.

I'm still pretty close with the other boys, Niall and Annabelle, who are now engaged are still my friends but they try to get me to go back to Harry all the time. Layla and I are still best friends and she brings Liam back with her too sometimes. Brad is actually on tour with the boys. He discovered that he could play the drums and he is now their drummer which is pretty cool for him. He gets to make a living off of it and has a house in London. I visit him sometimes, when Harry's not around of course. They are good friends now. Zayn and Perrie are now married, and they had a son a few months after Harry and I broke up. I've met him once and he's really cute.

I have only really seen Harry once since I left him. Well, we didn't talk, or meet up, I just watched. Annabelle and Layla took me to a concert but we sat at the very back so that I wouldn't be seen. I was there to support my friends, not my ex.

So now about me. After I left the letter, I caught a plane back to Cheshire. I packed up my old room and moved into the larger room which was Barbra's room. Don't think I'm weird, but I still have the poster with the kisses on it. I couldnt bare to throw it out like I did with the others. My room is more mature now, and so is my house and my attitude.

I have visited my parents. I didn't want to but I felt I had to let them know that Barbra had died and that I was now living by myself. They wanted me to bail them out so that they could take care of me, but I refused. I said it was punishment, which it was. I still hate them and it was hard to talk to them, but I had to see the only blood relatives I had left, even if they had betrayed me.

I went to college for 2 years and studied primary school teaching. It was really fun, I made new friends, but then I realised that teaching wasn't really what I wanted to do. I didn't know what I wanted to do. So I was going to take a gap year but relised I would be close to broke by the end of it. So currently, I'm not at college but I am working at a local bar. The bakery just held so many memories of Harry and Barbra, that I couldn't bare to work there. I still go there sometimes but not that often.

I haven't been in a relationship since Harry and I split. For some reason, Justin never came back to Cheshire. He hasn't bothered me at all. Three years being single. It's been hard but I haven't found the right person for me. but maybe I have, I just let him slip away.

There's one thing I want to do for the rest if my life. Be happy. But is Harry what makes me happy?

Its Saturday, the 28th of September. I have nothing to do. I'm going to watch movies all day. I've got some sad movies and 3 boxes of tissues. The only thing that would make this day better was Harry. On dats like this we would cuddle and watch chick flicks and romantic movies, he was always a sucker for those. I have work later tonight so I'll watch three movies then it should be time to go.

Harry's POV:

It's been 3 years since Jodie left me. Not a day has gone by where I haven't thought of her. I half hate her for how she left me. She could have told me and we could've worked through it.

After we split, I had a hard time with everything. I drank and got into drugs. the band almost split up too because if it. It's all because of her. But I really don't blame her for leaving me. Fame is hard, trust me I know. She was offered multiple record deals but she declined every single one.

I really miss her. I call her at least once a week to see if she is ready to answer the phone so that we can talk through it. I always leave a message so that she knows I want to talk. I was told that Jodie has been to one of our shows since the letter, but I didn't see her. Does she still love me? I definitely can't get over her. I've tried counselling but my last thought before I go to bed is her. It will always be her. Always.

I've got another break now. It's nice to go to bed and think that you don't have an alarm set for the next day. So right now I am in Cheshire. I'm staying with my mother at the moment. She thought Jodie and I were meant to be but, it seemed that it didn't turn out that way.

I have tried other relationships, but nothing works. Apparently, I still moan her name in my sleep. Which isn't really 'appropriate' in a girl's mind.

I'm now 23, I'm starting to think that I may have missed my chance in love, I let Jodie go and I haven't found anything else to cling on to. It is about time that I get my life back on track so that I can achieve my life goal. it's not to sell out stadiums or shows anymore, I've already done that, it's to start a family. have a life where I can wake up to the same beautiful person every morning. And when I think of that life, the person I wake up to is Jodie

I picked up my phone. 10:37am. I looked at my lock screen a picture of me and the boys. I unlocked it then glimpsed at my other background. It was the picture of Jodie, in her yellow shirt in the field of tulips. It has been for the past 3 years. I'm going to call her tonight. Maybe she is ready to answer.


Xx Emily

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