Chapter 11

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Jodie's POV:

"Have you got your sleeping bag James?" I rushed picking up the toys in the lounge room.

"Yes." James laughed as Harry picked him up.

"We have to go!" I said.

"Ok we are ready!" Harry laughed. The car was packed with tents and other camping materials.

I did a mental check of anything we my have forgotten. Nothing really.

"Ok let's go!" I smiled going out to the car. Harry put James in his seat and I drove.

James fell asleep for most of the car ride. Then he woke up. And the car spotting began. He decoded to say "BLUUEE" whenever he saw a blue car. Only he didn't say it, he shouted it.

"BLUUEE!" he yelled making me jump a little. I took one hand off of the wheel, placed it over my heart and let our a heavy sigh.

"Hey, at least he's not colour blind." Harry leaned over and whispered in my ear making me laugh.

"BLUUEE!" James giggled and I just shook my head.

After 2 hours, we finally arrived at Louis' house. I sighed as I shut my car door.

I noticed Niall and Annabelle's Blue car and ran over to James to distract him, but I was too late.

"BLUUEE!!!" He shouted making me laugh a little.

It seemed like everyone else was already here.

We knocked on the door to be greeted by Louis.

"Well, hello!" He smiled. "You're an hour late."

"No we're not!" Harry scoffed

"Oh yes you are, we agreed, 12:00pm!" Louis raised his eyebrows as Harry checked his watch.

"Oh right sorry." Harry said sarcastically.

"It's great to see you Louis." I smiled hugging him.

"You too Jodie! It's been a while." He smiled. "And is this James?" He knelt down to be eye level with James. "Hello."

"Hello." James smiled.

"Please come in." Louis stood up.

We followed Louis inside and said hello to everyone. We sat down but figured that we should go to the camping spot.

"Before we go, we have to do one thing." Louis announced. "Phones, here." he pointed to the bench.

"Mate, No!" Zayn said.

"What if we want to listen to music." Niall complained.

"What if there's an emergency?" Liam asked.

"Then I will take my phone for musical and emergency purposes only." Louis said. He wasn't letting us take our phones, and he wasn't going to change his mind. I put mine down first and then everyone else did the same. "And I am turning off notifications from social media, so we will have to see we have a break fir a couple of days."

We all got back into our cars and drove down to a spot that Louis had picked out. He had set it up well, I don't know how but he had set up this big spot for a fire and some logs, to sit on I suspected.

We decided first to set up tents, but we made if a competition. we had 1 and a half hours to fully set up our tents, and James and Hunter, Zayn and Perrie's son would judge.

"So does this part go in here?" I overheard Annabelle whisper to Niall. Niall just laughed as he set the tent up by himself while Annabelle pretended she was doing things.

I got the instructions out of the tent that Harry and I were setting up.

"We don't need those." Harry said. he didn't even look up at me. He just picked up a pole and started to set it up.

I raised my eyebrows and smirked. "Ok then." I threw the instructions on the ground. "Your such a man," I lifted the tent as Harry made the frame by sliding the poles through the hooks. The poles were in and we just needed the frame. I saw James watching Harry and I set up smiling, but I also saw Zayn and Perrie's 3 year old son, Hunter, also sitting on a log, but facing Zayn and Perrie building their tent. I left Harry as he looked like he knew what he was doing.

"Hey James, come with me." I took his hand and took him over to the other log to sit next to Hunter.

"Hunter, this is James." I sat James next to the small boy with dark hair and Hazel eyes, he looks just like Zayn.

"Hi." he smiled.

"Do you like cars?" James asked.

"I love cars." Hunter smiled. "And you know the ones that..." I left as Hunter and James got into a conversation about cars to help Harry finish.

We put the cover on and sat inside together.

"It's nice." I smiled. "So how are we setting it up?"

"Well I thought where you're sitting, we could put our mattress, and then put James' mattress there and then our bags just behind." He said as he pointed to various spots. I nodded.

We blew up our air mattresses with the pump and put them in the tent.

"Right everyone!" Liam announced. "Half an hour left!"

We still had to put the sleeping bags over the mattresses, put the pillows down and make everything perfect.

We set up the final decorations, and stepped out.

"5, 4, 3, 2, 1! Okay everyone out of your tents." Liam said.

Everyone came out.

"Right lads!" Harry smirked turning to the two boys on the log, still talking about cars. "Judgment time."

They went into Liam and Layla's first. They had Liam zip it up so that we couldn't see in. There were some whispers before they came out.

Next, they went into Louis and Eleanor's. They laughed while they were in there and where still giggling when they came out. Louis had a big smile on his face.

Then it was Zayn and Perrie. I heard Hunter say "Wow!" as he and James went in. They seemed to be the best so far. After they came out Zayn and Perrie did a sneaky hi five.

It was now our turn. James and Hunter both said "Oooh." as they went in. There was a little bit of discussion until they came out smiling. I nifhed Harry and game him a thumbs up.

Finally, it was Annabelle and Niall. The boys both gasped as Niall zipped up their tent. Niall was smirking and he hi fived Annabelle. there was rustling inside the tent. No conversation. I looked at Annabelle nudging Niall and laughing. I raised an eyebrow and smiled at Harry. the boys came out looking a little guilty. James had what appeared to be a chocolate wrapper in his hands, but I wasn't going to say anything.

"We have a winner." Hunter smiled.

"Niall and Annabelle." James smiled.

Niall and Annabelle cheered and fist bumped before he Niall pecked her on the cheek and whispered something in her ear making her laugh.

"There's something fishy going on here." Louis said.

"Why would you suspect that?" Annabelle smirked.

"Because you won." Eleanor giggled.

"Yes we did." Niall smiled.

"Well, we have a fire to build!" Layla smiled. "We need some wood!"

We all nodded and the boys all went to get wood. James and Hunter were playing tag, Perrie, Annabelle and Eleanor were in a deep conversation, so I finally had time to talk to my best friend.

Fireproof || H.S (Sequel to "The Boy At The Bakery")Where stories live. Discover now