Chapter 4

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Jodie's POV:

I was ready to go. Waiting for Harry to arrive. I sat on the couch and I felt my cheeks go hot. I'm really nervous. I can't get straight back into a relationship with him. I can't go that easy. I started to shake. I put my jacket on and saw a motorbike pull up outside. Who was this? The driver had a sparkly gold helmet on. I peeked out the window. The driver took the helmet off, and I noticed a familiar head of dark curls. I ran outside to greet him.

"You own a motorbike?" I laughed pointing at him.

"Yes." He smiled proudly. "Are you ready?"

"Are we going on that?" I pointed to the bike. I've always wanted to ride a motorbike.

"Is that alright?" He asked.

"I don't have a helmet." I frowned.

"Yes you do!" He smiled and pulled out sparkly silver helmet matching the gold one and handing it to me. "Happy late-3-year-break-up anniversary."

I laughed at him and got straight onto the bike, putting my arms around his waist as he started the engine.

We drove off and I felt the breeze blowing my hair back. I felt so... alive.

I loved this feeling. I had no idea where we were going. I had obviously never been there before, because I recognised none of my surroundings. We jolted to a stop at a traffic light. I smiled as Harry turned and looked at me, then continued to drive. He seemed so concentrated on the vehicle below him. This time, I focused on his curls. The dark locks almost jingled in the breeze, as if they had tiny bells attached. I giggled. I saw what was ahead of us. A field of bright yellow tulips.

We stopped and took of our helmets. I shook my head at Harry. "Why?" I giggled.

"Because." he simply said.

We walked over to a picnic that he had obviously set up. I smiled as I sat on the rug.

"Why did you do this?" I smiled.

"What do you mean." he got out what appeared to be a VERY expensive bottle of wine. I gasped at the sight of it. "You mean, taking you out here on my bike, setting this up in a beautiful field of tulips and buying this bottle of wine?"

I nodded my head and giggled.

"Than I did it because... well," He rubbed the back of his neck. "I guess I want you back." I smiled at the ground. I guess, I want to get back with him. "And I want you to... stay with me this time." He had suddenly become serious.

"Harry I-"

"No, I want a yes it a no." He interrupted me.

"Then uh, take it as a maybe." I said.

"But Jode I really-"

"I'll decide, after this date." I laughed.

"You would classify this as a date?" Harry smirked handing me a glass of wine.

I paused. "Yes."

"Well then, Cheers." Harry smiled as we clinked our glasses. "To a new beginning."

We spent the next 3 hours catching up on each other's lives.

"So how's the band going." I asked.

"Well, I don't think we can do it much longer." Harry frowned.

"What? Why?"

"Well, with everything going on with babies and engagements, I think the other boys are getting tired."

"But what about the fans?"

"They're getting older now, I think they're almost sick of us. There's a lot less of them now. We aren't selling out anymore. I'm 23 now, I need to start planning a life."

"No, no Harry they love you. You can't quit now" I said.

A tear fell down Harry's cheek. " I don't want it to end either Jode." he rested his head on my shoulder and I patted his curls. He was fragile at the moment. "I'm the only one left. Everyone is settling down and starting a family but I haven't found my it yet, you know my future, I have nothing to settle down with. I thought I had it..." He looked up at me. "But it all suddenly... vanished." A tear fell down my cheek too, but Harry wiped it away. I had now figured out, that I was it. "I thought I could get it back. But it's going to be harder than I thought."

I stared into Harry's emerald green eyes. They sparkled in the sun. I had missed these eyes. I felt myself leaning forward, and noticed Harry doing the same. I giggled before I smashed our lips together. I smiled and I felt him do the same before I pulled away. He smirked.

"Maybe if you ask nicely, you can have it back." I whispered.

"Jodie Foster, will you do me the honour of being my wife?" He smiled.

"Wait, What?"

"I'm kidding, I'm kidding" He laughed. "Jodie Foster, will you please take me back?"

"Harry Styles, yes." I smiled and we hugged. It felt good to be in his embrace again.

We drove back to my house on his motorbike.

I took my helmet off and felt a pair of arms wrap around me

"Are you ready?" Harry whispered in my ear.

"Ready for what?" I said and giggled as Harry picked me up bridal style and I handed him my keys to let us in. We got to the couch and he laid me down and sat on top of me and pressed his lips to mine. I began to feel nervous. Not again.

I suddenly felt my phone vibrate in my pocket. THANK GOD! I got it out of my pocket and answered it.


"Hi I'm looking for Jodie Foster." the person said. It was a woman.

"This is she." I said

"Wonderful. I'm police Officer Jenine Pillar I need you to come down to the station right away."

Harry looked at me puzzled.

"Uh sure I'm on my way." I said standing up. I hung up the phone.

"I need to go down to the station, can you drive me?"

"Yeah sure." Harry put his arm around my shoulder. "Is everything ok?"

"I don't know." I said worried.


Xx Emily

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