Chapter 8

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Jodie's POV:

"When is Harry coming back?" James whined.

"In a couple of days." I replied. James had missed Harry so much. He'd been gone for 4 days now.

"Can I sleep in your bed again?"

"Of course buddy." I was going to let him share a bed with me, not just for his sake, but for mine. I'd gotten used to a body in the bed beside me, on the first night it just felt, so empty.

We went upstairs as it was really late, and it was his first day at kindergarten tomorrow. I'd gotten him in at the sane place I went to. We both got into our pyjamas and slipped into bed.

"Jodie?" James whispered.


"What if I can't make friends?" he asked.

"Oh trust me James, you will." I smiled pulling him into a hug. "just remember what we talked about. Be yourself. you're probably too young to understand, but don't talk about Mummy and Daddy."

"Why not?"

"Because, the other kids won't know about... it and may get confused."

"Well, what do I say?"

"Just say you live with your sister." I smiled. "you'll be fine." I stroked his head.

James slowly drifted to sleep, as did I.


"You got your lunchbox?" I said a little rushed.

"Yes Jodie." he giggled.

I licked my thumb and pushed his hair down. He was excited.

"Can we go now?" he sighed.

"Of course sorry." I was a bit flustered. I threw on a cardigan and we went to the car. James was about to bounce out of his seat the whole way there. "Remember what we talked about?"

"Yes. Don't talk about Mummy and Daddy and just be myself."

"That's right." I smiled as I parked the car outside the Kindergarten.

I got him out of his car seat and I held his hand as we entered. There were some mothers at a table with coffees who gasped as we walked in.

"Hi uh, I'm Jodie, this is James." I said to the receptionist pushing a strand of hair out of my face as I lifted James up so that he could see over the desk.

"Hello James." the woman said as she walked around the desk to meet us. "I'm Cindy." she smiled.

"Hi." James said politely as I put him back down.

"I can take him through if you like." Cindy smiled.

"Okay." I smiled and crouched down so that I was at James' level. "You be good okay?" I kissed his forehead.

"Yes Jodie." he nodded kissing me on the cheek. He turned to Cindy who took his hand as she lead him through to where the other children are. I stood on my tip toes to make sure he was safe.

"Aren't you a little young to be a mother?" I heard a voice from across the room which snapped my thoughts. It was one of the mothers at the table.

"Oh no, he's my brother." I said walking towards them thinking that maybe I could introduce myself.

"Oh. Where are you parents?" another one asked.

In jail because they abused us "uh, they aren't around. It's a long story." I managed to say.

"Maybe you'd like to tell us over coffee?" Another mother smiled.

"Uh well, I'd rather not discuss it." I frowned.

"Oh well, at least join us for a coffee, my shout." the last mother said.

"Uh," I thought if anywhere I needed to be, nowhere. "sure. I'd love to." I smiled.

The Kindergarten was joined to a cafe, so that's where they were sitting. I got a chair from a table nearby and the mothers cleared a spot for me. they introduced themselves as Holly, Alison, Sally and Janice. They were all in their late twenties/early thirties

"So, Jodie, how old are you?" Alison smiled.

"I'm 20."

"Gees that's pretty young to be raising a young boy on your own." Holly sounded worried for me.

"Actually, my boyfriend helps." well, not when he's in a London having band meetings

"That's nice of him." Janice smiled.

"You look a little familiar." Sally grinned.

"I don't know where from." I raised an eyebrow.

"You where on the news the other night. Jodie... Foster that's it!" Sally grinned. "You're dating Harry Styles. My daughter just adores One Direction."

"Yeah..." I pressed my lips together.

"Isn't that sweet." Holly smiled.

"I remember when when my daughter was born, those boys were all my niece would talk about." Janice laughed.

"So how old is your... I'm sorry what's your brothers name?" Alison giggled. I'm glad she changed the subject from my celebrity boyfriend and his band. My coffee had just arrived.

"James is 3."

"My little Mindy is 3 as well." Janice said sipping her coffee.

"Daniel is 2 and a half." Holly smiled.

"Gabriel is turning 3 in a few weeks." Alison

"Taylor is 4 and I have a little boy on the way." She tapped her stomach which I had only just noticed was a little round. It looked as though Holly was pregnant too.

"I also have a baby coming." Holly rubbed her stomach which was slightly larger than Sally's.

"Congratulations." I smiled at them both.

We continued to talk about their kids and James. They were all entertaining but I didn't quite feel right around Sally. Maybe she is just having an off day with her hormones. I'll give her another chance another day.

"Well I should probably get going." I frowned. "I've got some groceries to do."

"Oh well I will we see you tomorrow?" Holly smiled.

"Of course." I nodded.

I'm glad they were all being nice. I'm glad that they weren't excluding me because I was younger. I'm glad that I've made some friends, and I hope James does the same.

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