Chapter 6

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Jodie's POV:

I woke up and James was still beside me, but Harry wasn't. I carefully got out of bed and went downstairs, trying not to disturb James.

"Morning!" Harry said as I passed the kitchen.

"Morning." I smiled. "What are you making?"

"Scrambled eggs. Would you like some?" He asked.

I raised my eyebrows. "Since when do you make scrambled eggs in the morning?" I giggled.

"Since about a year ago." He said proudly "You wouldn't know that."

"Yes I will have some please." I laughed.

I sat down with some delicious scrambled eggs and ate them quickly.

I heard footsteps coming down the stairs. "Hello." James rubbed his eyes.

"Morning lad." Harry smiled. "Scrambled eggs?" he asked

"Oh, yes please." James giggled. He came towards me and I lifted him to the seat beside me.

He dangled his feet off of the chair and ate the eggs in silence so I went upstairs to get him dressed.

"So what was your nightmare about?" I asked.

"Mummy and Daddy were hitting me again." He mumbled.

I gasped at the thought. They were put in jail for doing that to me, yet they still did it to their other child. Do they find pleasure in it? I guess I will never understand.

"I still have those dreams sometimes too." I whispered honestly.


"Oh all the time." I frowned. A tear fell down my cheek.

"It's ok." he hugged me.

"I've got this scar on my back." I lifted up the hem of my shirt to show him the large scar. He gasped and traced his hand over it.

"You're safe with me though, James. I would never hurt you." I hugged him again. We got him dressed and Harry was downstairs counting the money we were given yesterday.

"There's about 250,000 dollars here." he said. he had sorted them into piles of about $50,000. My mouth formed the shape of an 'o' as I stared at the piles. "Plenty to spend on you little man." He smiled at James.

We got in the car and first drove to the furniture store. We picked out some cool coloured drawers and small desk. we also had a carpet with a race track on it. Then we got to the bedding section.

"You can pick any bed you like." I smiled as James ran around all of the different beds.

"I like this one!" He jumped on one in the shape of a car. I giggled at him. we bought all of the furniture. And then went to the toy store and bought some cool toys of his choice. After that, we got him some more clothes.

When we got home, the rest of the day was mainly moving things out of the spare room, then having James tell Harry and I where to put things. It took ages to set up the bed and drawers, but we still did it. I folded the clothes into the drawers and everything was unpacked. Harry and I went downstairs when we were finished and sat on the couch and watched some tv.

"Hey Harry, if I'm going to keep raising James, I'm going to need to get a real job." I looked up at him.

"What do you mean?"

"I'm thinking of going back to college. I only have a year left, then I could be a teacher."

"But you don't have to, you have me."

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