Chapter 10

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Jodie's POV:

I sat on the couch in my pyjamas under a blanket with a mountain of tissues on the floor. I had a high temperature, a cough, a sore throat, a runny nose and I've been really tired, so after doing my internet research on my phone, I've self diagnosed myself with the flu. It's good that James is at a Kindergarten and not here getting my sickness.

This is the third time I've watched this movie today, one of my favourites, 'The Breakfast Club'. I was up to the part where they're running around the hallways.

Suddenly, there was movement at the door. Someone is breaking in. I sat up on the couch and peeked my eyes over the top to see who it was. First, there was a suitcase, then a man with dark curly hair.

"Harry?" I said, my voice cracking. "You're home early?"

"Jodie!" He smiled and came up to me, dropping his suitcase after closing the door. "What happened to you? You look horrible."

"Wow thanks." I giggled, my throat still sore.

"Are you okay?" he sat beside me as I sat up to give him room.

"I've got the flu." I sneezed.

"Aww baby," he smiled putting the blanked around me. "Hey, where's James?" He looked around

"He's at Kindergarten."

"You never told me you enrolled him."

"Well that's where he is." I looked at my watch. "Actually, if you're not to tired, would you mind going and picking him up for me?"

"Sure babe."

"And then when you get home, tell me all about your trip." I winked at him.

He smiled and left. I continued with my movie again and waited until they got home.

"...And Monica and Ben and Jenny. Those are my friends." James said as he walked through the door with Harry.

"Wow buddy, you've got a lot of friends." Harry chuckled.

"Jodie! Are you feeling better?" James ran to me. I paused my movie.

"Yeah, thanks for asking James." I smiled even though I still felt like shit.

"Hey James, go upstairs and play with your trucks." Harry said sitting beside me. James nodded and went upstairs.

"So what's happening?" I asked before blowing my nose in a tissue and tossing it onto the mountain.

"It's over." He frowned. I felt a rip through my heart. One Direction were basically my teenage years. I loved then so much, and now it's just going to... end?

"Oh Harry." I put my face into his shoulder and sobbed.

"It's okay though."

"Why? I thought you would be a lot sadder."

"There's no time for my tears yet." He laughed. "We're doing a final world tour."

"Oh, that's great." I wiped away my tears and blew my nose into another tissue.

"And I don't know why you're sad. You can have us sing for you whenever you want."

"Oh no, it's just, you boys were my life at one point, my reason. It's just going to be sad to see it all... fade away."

"Don't worry." He hugged me.

"I don't want to get you sick." I giggled.

"Well, you have to start feeling better." Harry said becoming serious.


"Because next weekend, we're going camping!"


"Yeah, at Louis' place."

"What about James?" I sniffed.

"He's coming with us." He smirked. I suddenly became excited. I've never been camping before.

"What do you take when you go camping?" I giggled

"Jodie Foster, are you telling me you've never been camping?"

I shook my head.

"Oh Jode! I need to give you the FULL camping experience." He winked at me. "I'm going up to play with James." he walked towards the stairs.

"Love you!" I said my voice cracking. I heard Harry laugh before I he yelled 'RA' and there was a squeal from James upstairs.


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