Chapter 5

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Jodie's POV:

We finally arrived at the station. I was shaking as we walked inside. I don't believe I have done anything wring lately. Something has happened to my parents. Harry had his arm around my waste.

"Hi uh I had a call from Jenine Pillar." I said to a man at the front desk.

"Ah yes she will be with you in a minute." The man smiled at his computer.

Harry and I sat down and waited for about 5 minutes, watching criminals come in and worried parents (probably for lost children) and all different types of people.

Finally, the man at the desk called for us. "Officer Pillar is ready for you now Miss Foster." He took us to a room where a woman was sitting with a young boy, about three years old sitting on her lap.

"Hi Jodie how are you?" She asked putting the boy on the seat beside her and shaking my hand. I sat down in one if the two chair across from her desk, harry sat in the other.

"I'm good thank you." I smiled. "What seems to be the problem, Officer?"

"I would like to introduce you to someone." She smiled. "This is James, he's 3." she motioned to the little boy. Yeah I guessed right!

"It's nice to meet you James." I said to the little boy who was playing with a phone, the officers phone I suspected.

"Now I've called you in here for a very important matter." She said sitting back down beside James. "You see, James is your brother."

I looked at the boy shocked as he looked up at me. Harry put his hand in mine and I squeezed it hard. "W-what do you mean?" I stuttered.

"Well, he was conceived 2 months before the interrogation with your grandmother, and born in prison." She said. I nodded. "We can take him to a foster home unless, you would like to take care of him."

"Uh..." I slurred.

"It is a big ask, I know, and we understand if you would rather not, but Tanya and Jack recommended you."

"Uh, I guess I could." I looked towards Harry who was waving at James and pulling funny faces. James let out little giggles.

"Are you sure?" she asked.

"Yeah." I said awkwardly.

"Well, I am happy to help you if you need, and so are some of the other officers." She smiled. She then continued to talk about other stuff but I just nodded and agreed but focused on James. My brother. I finally realised that I now have a kid to look after, to raise. I'm not responsible enough for that! My parents probably did this to me on purpose. Just when my life may have gotten back to normal, I get this. Why didn't they tell me when I visited them?

"Ok so, we'll get you guys sorted." She finally stood up and smiled. Harry and I sat in the waiting room again for half an hour until Officer Pillar came back with James and his things. "Here's some money from your parents." she handed me a large envelope. Inside was at least 100,000 dollars in there.

"Oh uh, thank you." I said, obviously relieved that I could now afford to take care of a child.

"We have a car seat for him of you would like it." She smiled.

I gasped. "Uh, yes please" I then turned to Harry "Harry can you please go back and get my car?" I giggled and handed him my keys. We came on his motorbike.

"Oh yeah sure babe." He kissed my cheek and left.

"I'll go and get it." She put James down beside me.

"Let's go sit down." I held his hand and led him to a chair. I had to lift him up so that he could sit on it.

"I've heard about you, Jodie." He said looking up at me. His voice was so cute. His short red hair was a similar colour to mine and his eyes were the same colour as mine.

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