Chapter 3

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Jodie's POV:

"Jodie? is everything alright?" Jess knelt down beside me.

"That was my ex." I cried.

"He looks like Harry Styles." She smiled.

"He is Harry Styles." I frowned.

Jess stared at me "You mean to tell me that your ex-boyfriend is Harry Styles?"

I nodded. "We've been apart for 3 years."

"Have you found someone else? Is that why he just stormed out?" she asked.

"I haven't seen anyone else in 3 years."

"You've been single for 3 years?"

"Yes. I just loved him so much, but the fame was all too much. It was really getting to me and I couldn't handle it anymore, so I write him a letter and left him."

"That's rough, did he find someone else?"


"Then why aren't you together again? You two would be perfect!"

"Because it's just too hard." I sobbed

"How about this. You go home think about what you want to do about Harry and I'll just do a double shift tonight, free of charge, you can have your pay."

"I can't let you do that Jess."

"No I want to." she smiled. "You can go home."

"Thank you." I smiled and grabbed my things and walked out of the bar.

It was raining. Perfect, just what I need. I stood outside for the rain to die down a little but it never did. a car pulled out in front of me. I knew exactly who it was.

"Get in." the muffled voice yelled through the pouring rain. I hesitated before jumping into the car.

"Thanks." I said. I didn't smile.

He started driving towards my house.

"So you haven't, done it like... ever with an-"

"I don't want to talk about it Harry." I interrupted him.

"I'm sorry Jodie." Harry said.

"So uh, what've you been up to?" I changed the subject.

"Well uh, just a few shows basically."

"A few shows? You've been on 2 world tours I think it's more than a few shows." I giggled.

"What've you been up to?" Harry giggled back. I've missed that giggle so much. I just want it in a bottle to keep as a souvenir.

"I went to college for a couple of years, then I sort of stopped, and now I'm here I guess."

"Well, good for you! Getting your life back on track." Harry said.

"Well not really, I sort of, dropped out."

"What do you mean?"

"I couldn't afford college anymore and I didn't really want to do it anyway." I shrugged. "You're lucky though. You've got it all."

"Not everything." he looked deep into my eyes. We were stopped at a traffic light.

"Look Harry I'm sure you can find someone el-"

"But I can't find anybody else! It's you Jodie! It always will be! I've tried everything to get you off of my mind but nothing works. Jodie Foster, I love you."

I didn't know what to say. We were now at my house. I wiped away a tear as I got out of the car, Harry got out too.

"Harry what are yo-" I was interrupted with a kiss upon my lips. As much as I wanted to, I didn't fight. I put my arms around his neck and he lifted my legs up around his waist. He walked us to the house. The door was unlocked, so we went inside. He sat me on the couch, never breaking our kiss.

I suddenly pulled away, breathless. I loved how he could do that to me.

"Harry, I really think you should go."

"Why?" He looked confused.

"I'm not the type of girl to do this."

"But you could be."

"But I'm not. Can we just... See each other tomorrow maybe? How does 12:00 for lunch suit you?"

"That's perfect." He smiled.

"I'll pick you up from here."

"Ok see you then." I grinned as he walked out.

"I love you!" He yelled. I shook my head.

I've just made a date for us again. Shit! What will I tell him. 'Hey Harry sorry I totally screwed up your life for a few years! Oh well it's been and gone how are you?' That's not right! I'm screwed.

Fireproof || H.S (Sequel to "The Boy At The Bakery")Where stories live. Discover now