Not So Bright Teen Life. Part 1

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Part 1

Texas POV

For a few days I've been thinking maybe for my 16th birthday to host a party, I wasn't shy of a party and loved a challenge...

"What do ya think June, a major party for my 16th?" I asked June expressing my idea

"I'm not sure Texas, that's a big responsibility." June replied tilting her head to the side. June started playing with her short Black hair pulling at her split ends. She was wearing a really baggy jumper coat ontop her all in one trouser suit. She shifted her glasses in habit

"Oh c'mon June. My mum's away and well, Mike and Lizz can help us out?"

June looked down for a second before She finally answered.

"Okay yeah, I'll help aslong as it don't get in the way of school work."

"Stop being such a bore" I joked throwing a pillow at her?

Overall I had a feeling of pure satistfaction. I could see this party coming together especially with the help of smarty pants June.

"So June what we are going to wear?" I smiled broadly.

"Not to burst your bubble Tex, but shouldn't what your gonna wear be the last thing on your mind right now?"

As usual June was right. I thought to myself.

"Yeah okay, um grab a pen let's start listing," I suggested.

We put down the basics. Food,drink,music, etc.

"Shouldn't we have less drink on here?" Asked June.

"June these are popular, hormonal, hyper, teenagers. We need extra loud music, loads of alcohol and of course, loads of hot guys." Me and

June laughed hysterically.


June's POV

After me an Texas made a list we played abit of Wii me beating her each time.

"June you douche head" Texas complained

"Hey, its not my fault am a pro" I said smugly

Texas gave me a glare before putting a piece of her blonde dip dyed brown hair behind her ear.

I grabbed up all my things

"What June your leaving me already?" Texas said pouting out her bottom lip sadly

"Yeah I got to. But don't worry tomorrow we will finish planning this party" I replied ruffling Texas hair

"Ayy" Texas complained fixing her hair

I scurried out the room before Texas could say anything more an started my journey home.

Whilst walking the long distance home from Texas house I decided to call up Lizz and tell her about our plans tomorrow. We needed to go and buy all the stuff for the party. After a few attempts at calling her and no answer I decided to call her in the morning. I went in the bathroom for a shower and quickly got dressed. Walking downstairs for something to eat I realised no one was home.

"Mum, Dad you home?" I shouted, Instant worry taking over me. Mum an Dad would always tell me when they wasn't going to be home

No reply.

I was kind of scared to be home alone. For a while now, when I am home alone, I hear weird noises and I get this uncertain feeling that someones watching me.


What was that, I thought. Walking towards the back garden, I saw the back door slightly ajar. Maybe Mum and Dad left it open. Still, panic hit me. Someone's in here. Someone broke in. I searched my back jean pocket for my blackberry. Ooh crap, my blackberry's upstairs. I closed the door quickly and locked it. At the corner of my eye I saw a note with my name scribbled across it. Smiling to myself, mum and dad must of left it before they headed out. The note read:

'Oh My Sweet June.'

My heart plummeted. Was this some sick joke? I was scared livid. Who left this note. Who's trying to annoy me. I scrunched up the note and went to lock all windows around the house as quick an quietly as I could.


A/N okay so this chappie wasn't all that but dw its gets better... An better :):)

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