Part 8

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Thanks to wefaneveryone for editing my story :) 

Mike's POV;

Gym session didn't go well.

I couldn't concentrate.

I tried to focus on the ball but my mind kept wandering off to this morning. She was drunk and probably regrets what happened last night, which explains why she left the note this morning.

"Mike I had to rush home. Mum's probably pulling her hair out in worry I'll call you this afternoon or something. - June" I remember reading the messily written words on a random receipt.

I felt the ball hit my face and snapped out of my thoughts. My friends rushed up to me as blood trickled out from my mouth.

"Mike! Are you okay?"

I shook my head. "I think I'll sit out."

I wiped the blood with a towel as I took a seat on the bench. June was perfect in her own little way. She was aced all her tests and was rather pretty. It's just that I have Texas. I buried my face in my hands, sighing out loud. I'm so confused.

Before I knew it, school ended. I hadn't been paying much attention in class and I basically ignored everyone who wanted to talk to me. I couldn't think straight.

Opening the door to my room, I dumped my school bag on the floor and changed into a white T-shirt and a pair of shorts. Turning around, I saw June covering her eyes with her palms.

"Shit!" I exclaimed, almost jumping out of my skin. "What are you doing in my room, June?"

"Your sister told me to wait in your room," June answered. "Are you done changing?"

"Err.. Yeah," I said hesitantly and June moved her hands from her eyes so she could look at me. Her face was red, probably from watching me change.

"Sorry for barging in," June whispered shyly, her face turning a deeper shade of red.

"You don't have to apologize," I said, taking a seat on my bed so that I was seated beside her. She gave me a small smile and since I'm this close to her, I never realized how beautiful that small smile could be. It lit up her face, making June seem like an angel.

"I thought I'd come and talk about last night," June said, fidgeting with her slim fingers.

I shifted uncomfortably beside her. "June, let's forget about what happened yesterday. We were drunk and I'm sorry about it."

She frowned at me before letting out a sigh. "Can't you see that you belong with me, It all makes sense"

"It's complicated," I ran a hand through my hair. "I'm.. I like Texas."

"Texas?" June repeated the name after me. She looked hurt and I hated seeing her like that. We were best friends and I obviously wanted the best for her. It's just that I didn't expect her to fall for someone like me.

"Yeah," I said, unsure of what to say to her. I just don't get it. Girls are complicated, even if they're your best friends.

"Mike! You're a great guy and I do want to be with you! Last night wasn't a mistake," she cried, tears sliding down her cheeks. "We were meant to be!"


"I hope you see Texas's true colors and once you're done with her, we can talk about us," June said, getting up from my bed.

"June, I'm sorry," I sighed, burying my face in my hands.

"No, Mike, I'm sorry," she sighed. "I'm just delusional, coming over to convince you to be with me and trying to put this whole thing together. I'm sorry."

This is why girls are complicated. They contradict themselves. "Want a hug?"

She looked at me, studying me carefully with her tear-stained face. When I realized she wasn't going to hug me, I walked towards her and enveloped my arms around her body. I hugged her tightly, hoping that she would feel better.

Looking up into my eyes, June swallowed before whispering, "Let's keep this between ourselves, okay?"

"Of course," I replied, giving her a squeeze before she pulled away and walked out of my room without turning back.


Lizz's Pov

"Should I pack my bags and move to June's house?" I asked myself, twirling a strand of my hair nervously around my finger. "No. He'd catch me and who knows what he'd do to June."

I paced back and forth before sitting down on the couch. "I could run away. Maybe run to another town far away from here? I could start a new life there..."

Reaching into my pocket, I grabbed my wallet and opened it. "I can't. I need my job and I can't just drop out of school now. My grades are important."

The clock signaled the end of my shift and Stacey, Florence, Abi and I headed to Starbucks like we usually would.

"You seem so depressed," Stacey commented, taking a sip of her Mocha. "This tastes heavenly!"

"I'm fine. It's just that Luke and I don't get along right now," I sighed, watching Stacey drink up her Mocha as if it would get stolen by me if she didn't drink it fast enough.

"What's up?" Florence asked, stirring her coffee. "Is he cheating on you?"

"No," I said, though I wished he was atleast then id have a reason to kick him out. I couldn't stand Luke! He was too possessive. "Just, you know, the usual bumps in a relationship. Nothing to worry about..."

"Guys," Abi groaned. "And they say we're complicated. Well, screw them!"

We all laughed at Abi's comments. I guess they really are complicated. I can't seem to understand Luke.

"Lizz," Stacey licked the mocha mustache on her lips. "This means you need to find another guy. That Luke brat doesn't deserve someone as hot as you. I've got a couple of guys you could check out."

Was she insane!? That'll just shorten the time I have on Earth!

"That's...err...sweet but if Luke knew I'm setting my eyes on some other guy, he'd kill me," I sighed. "He's... Possessive?"

Stacey, Florence and Abi looked at me with concern.

"Not literally," I tried to laugh it off but they stared at me as if I was crazy. Which I'm starting to think I am.

"Of course we don't take it literally!" Abi cried. "If he did kill you, he's a murderer!"

Stacey and Florence gasped dramatically and I smacked my forehead.

"Honey! You're still young and hot! It's the time to party and meet all the guys in this town!" Stacey patted my back. "That Luke guy is crazy. I suggest you go on a date with a friend of mine. You know, try something different."

She slipped a napkin with his number into my hand.

"He's nice," Stacey added, hoping those to words will make me want to call him. A huge part of me wanted to call this guy but I was scared.

I looked at the napkin.

"Lucas Bruce," I read the name.

"Doesn't that name just make you drool?" Stacey laughed and Florence shrugged.

"It does," I say as Call Me Maybe by Carly Rae Jepsen started playing in the cafe. How coincidental.

Well, Lizz was going to be back. Back to the good old her.

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