Part 24

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Lizz's POV

Had I Lost My Good Friend June? 

Was June ready to give me up?. If so it would break my heart. 

Out of our little group me and June were the closest seeing as Mike an Texas were a couple. 

June had always put me on the right path but it seemed by her rant today she was done with me. 

Done looking out for stupid pathetic Lizz.

"Oh no Texas" I screech

Texas puts her arms around my shoulders "Lizz what is it?"

"June really hates me Don't she?"

"No Lizz Don't be silly, she's just upset"

"Oh my I've let you all down" I cupped my face in my hands an bawled out in tears. Texas soothing words wasn't enough I still cried feeling guilty an selfish. 

I sipped at my hot chocolate Texas had made me. It had a little to much sugar but who was I to complain. 

After my crying fit Texas had put the kettle on an rushed around the kitchen making hot drinks an toasties. Texas would make the perfect room mate. When Texas had sat down comftably I turnt to her

"Texas honestly am I doing the right thing?" 

Texas tilts her head to a side thinking..

"Mmm I cant say Lizz. I mean if u trust him an like him"

"Oh I do. Don't get me wrong my feeling for Lucas are strong but.. Dylan's different to any guy. His caring, loving an his offering me it all. A house, a life. Someone to care for me. Since I was 15 I've felt alone. Than I had to live alone no parents love nothing. Then stupidly believed Luke was the 'One' Turns out I was so wrong. But all through it I had you three. Kept me sane, an I know I've been a bad friend sometimes. I'm so sorry for that" I looked down setting down the mug I held. Wiping away welled tears.

"Oh Lizz we love you no matter what mistakes you've made come here" 

Texas hugged me rocking me side to side. She than cupped my head in her hands

"Lizz we will all support you no matter so please promise me you will do the right thing" 

I nodded smiling but in the back of my mind I was uncertain. Uncertain that the decision il make would be seen as the right one.

I decided to text Lucas;

To Lucas-- 

Hey Lucas, I know its late but we haven't seen each other since I came back from Paris. Come over. Only Texas is here but she is half asleep. Lots Of Love xx

No Il delete one of the X's dont want to seem to clingy. I deleted an X an sent the text. It was after 11 an Texas had said she'll sleep over which was cool with me. I needed the company anyway. Lucas replied almost immediately.

From Lucas-- 

Hey babe. I was starting to worry. I've been so busy at work. Il come over yeah, cya soon X

I gulped at the capital X he put at the end. Lucas didn't usually put symbols. Wow he must really miss me. I suddenly felt this was a bad idea. Calling him over here in the late night to tell him I've fallen in love with someone else an that's am thinking to go spend the rest of my life with him in paris. But it was to late Lucas was on his way now. 

I waited around nervously pacing the house. I wrapped a blanket over Texas an when I heard a few light knocks at the door watched as Texas stirred in her sleep. I tiptoed to the door opening it slightly. 

Stood before me was indeed Lucas Bruce, his hair was wavered from the wind, wearing dark navy jeans an a black camper jacket. I smiled lust filly at him an he pushed the door to get a full view of me. I felt ugly dressed in my leggings an belly top an thought maybe I should of made a little effort. Lucas grabbed me by my hips an pushed me further inside. 

He kissed me passionately lifting my body up as I wrapped my legs around his middle. We stayed there for some moments just kissing, the kiss feeling so perfect. I clung tightly not wanting to let go. Lucas broke apart first quickly tapping my ass before I climbed down.

"Oh Lizz baby I've missed you"

I giggled as lucas took my hands in his

"I've missed you too Bruce now can we go upstairs we Don't want to wake Texas"

Lucas nodded a yeah an we trailed upstairs. The feeling of nerves hit me as I realised what I was meant to be doing. But I couldn't I just couldn't. 

Lucas drags me onto the bed an takes he's jacket off. I bite down on my lip unable to control the excitement I was feeling. When our much needed moments of pleasure were over me an Lucas layed in bed side by side. 

I stroke his chest and he kisses my hair

"Lizz you will have to tell me all about your holiday tomorrow because baby you've worn me out" 

I laugh as I felt Lucas heartbeat slow an soon enough he was sound asleep. 

There was no way Id be telling Lucas about my holiday tomorrow. All id be telling Lucas is that we are over. I scowled at myself. I couldn't break his heart. I cant do it. Oh Lizz hows you going to get yourself out of this. 


Texas POV

Waking up in a groggy state I wiped my eyes than mouth an sat up on the sofa. Oh yeah I was at Lizz's place.

"Morning sleepy" I turned around to see Lucas making something in the kitchen 

When did he arrive?

"Oh hey Lucas"

I got up an rushed into Lizz's bathroom. I used a spare tooth brush an washed my face quickly with cold water to wake me up. I felt like heaven...

I looked down at my jeans an baggy top. Lizz really had to borrow me something

"Texas" Called Lizz from somewhere around the house. I open the bathroom door an noticed Lizz calling up the stairs

"Am here"

"Oh hey you alright?"

Lizz prances over towards me

"Am fine hun yeah, could I borrow something to wear"

"Sure yeah, il get you a towel have a shower then pick what you like" Lizz smirked before walking away

Wow she seemed a whole lot better. Thats good I guess. I wonder when she will tell Lucas everything. I shuddered at the thought. That was another drama hopefully a different day.


E N D O F C H A P P I E ............

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