Part 25

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Texas POV

"Lizz I look.. Different" I creased my face in disgust 

Although earlier Lizz had clearly clarified I could pick anything to wear she still suggested id wear booty shorts as I call them but they were actually jean shorts an a Dipped hem white shirt so sea through leaving nothing to a on lookers imagination.

"You look hot Tex just wear that for now. Mike will be happy to see you dressed like that or shall I say happier to take the clothes off you" Lizz laughed as she Got off the bed an stood next to me peering in the mirror. I was about to tease Lizz about her comment when Lizz started rambling on about how she couldn't break up with Lucas last night as they just ended up making love an blah blah. I listened on, I went to reply a few times but Lizz would not hush up.

"Lizz." I half yelled.

Lizz stopped mid sentence biting her lip guiltily

"Oh sorry Texas" She whispered

I laughed at her grabbing her hands "Lizz lets just have fun today, no boys, no worries. Girls day out. Il even ask June if she's available"

Lizz loosened her grip on my hand an I let it drop to my side

"About June I'm not sure"

"You cant avoid her that would worsen the situation"

A phone beep went off in the room. Lizz checked her phone

"Texas its yours."

I nodded taking my phone out my jean shorts pocket

-From Mike- 

Texas I need to talk with you come by mine.

My eye brows furrowed in confusion. This text sounded odd. Mike always put a symbol or called be babe or something. 

I replied quickly my eyes never leaving the screen

-To Mike- 

Is everything okay?

I looked over at Lizz's bed but Lizz had left the room. I hadn't even noticed. My cheeks were burning up in anticipation. Mike replied seconds later

-From Mike- 

Can we talk or not?

I was a little taken back by he's blunt reply, what have I done?

-To Mike- 

Yeah, Fine il be at yours in 10

I threw my phone down on Lizz's bed angrily an bite my nails. I wonder why Mikes being so edgy. I decide best to go see him. Find out what's going on. As I made my way down stairs Lizz was laying down on the couch with Lucas. I tiptoed out the house not wanting Lizz to ask any questions or mention our "girly day out" That I just messed up. I closed the door an made my way to Mike's. 

I knocked at Mike's front door a few times my arms an legs getting cold from this half naked outfit. I was about to knock again when Mike opened up. He didn't bother to say a word, just gave me a quick head to toe scan of my body before walking inside. I gasp a little under my breath in shock an followed him inside. Grabbing his arm an turning him to look at me

"Wtf(What the fuck) Mike?" I breathed

"What" He shrugs nonchalantly

"Mike you best tell me what the fuck is going on right now"

Mike winced at my harsh tone an nodded upstairs. I crossed my arms before walking ahead of him to he's room. I sat on his bed an awaited him to sit beside me but instead he stands

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