Part 14

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June's POV

"Lizz give them a call, we cannot have lost them already" I shriek.

Maybe if me and Lizz had not walked off in excitement we would not be in this mess. I looked around the terminal and saw no sight of them. 

"Okay well June there not picking up, lets just go to the hotel and meet them there, my feet are killing" Lizz asked

"Okay yeah sure lets go"

I trudged my suitcases along and Lizz followed

Outside on the busy street we eventually flagged down a taxi.

I asked the cab driver politely "Do you speak english?"

"yeah i do"

"Great, here's our stuff"

The cabbie put our luggage in the cab and we hoped in the cab quickly and within half an hour we was standing outside a massive posh looking hotel

"Omg June, its beautiful" exclaimed Lizz

i smiled to myself. i was speechless. Lizz was right

We checked in and promised the nice lady behind the desk that two other guests where soon to join us

We then allowed a staff member to guide us to our room taking our luggage onto a trolley

"So sexy, are you single" lizz flirted

He shrugged and smiled

"Lizz leave the poor guy alone, he dosent even understand english properly"

I said whilst holding down a laugh

When we reached our rooms i gasped at its beauty

The first thing you notice are the huge windows where an amazing view is in sight, the light from the window shines onto two double beds one next to the other. Provided on the left side of the room was a dressing table with creams,makeup,luxuries that the hotel provided. There was also padded arm chairs that looked so comfy. On the right hand side was a huge four door wardrobe with mirrors on each door frame. There was also nicely designed chester draws with candles on top in the shape of the Eiffel tower.

After taking it all in i gave the guy staff member a tip and took my beige jacket off and threw it on the first double bed

"Lizz omg this room is so nice, just look at the view"

"Inoe right. Amazing.. wait are we sharing a room wif Mike and Texas the two love birds?"

"Yeah, there having the other double bed"

"Oh well as long as we don't cramp there style" Shrugged Lizz

Lizz rushed over to the dressing table and started trying out all the mini creams and such

I got my phone out my hand luggage and tried calling first Mike but still received no answer, than i called Texas. Thankfully Texas picked up on the fourth ring

"Texas where are you?" i asked quite frantically

"We are on some road."

"where, what road"

"we don't know we just guessed the road as you lot are the only ones with a map"

"Oh no sorry. ll text you the hotel address right now"

There was a brief silence as Texas exchanged words with Mike

"Omg June we must be lost, am panicking here"

(in the background.. Mike to Texas: texas babe don't panic i got this)

"listen Tex ll text you the details right this second"

"Okay babe, we should be there before dark"

I hanged up the phone sat on the cushy bed and quickly texted Texas the details

"Lizz there lost" i called out to Lizz who was now in the en suite bathroom

"really?" Lizz called back not sounding like she cared

I jumped up and traced my fingers along the room phone

Beside the phone was a food/beverage menu

I called the reception and they directed me to the kitchen staff

"Hello. what would you like to order?"

"A extra large margarita pizza, an a side order of chicken wings and garlic bread. An bottled water please"

"That will be fine Madam, you meal should be with you shortly"

"Thank you"

I placed the phone down and turned round Lizz had on a lily white bath robe

"Who was that" she asked

"Room service, i ordered some food you hungry"

"Yeah i am starving, come see the bathroom"

"Okay Hun"

I followed her inside and again was amazed by how beautiful it all looked

The bathtub was massive with candles all around it, there was a walk in shower with piles of white towels just awaiting to be used.

The sink and toilet stood next to each other with an electric hand dryer.

I jumped up and down like a kid in excitement, Lizz laughed and joined in. This was going to be a holiday to remember


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