Part 21

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Extra Long Part

June POV

Slamming my body onto my bed. Mum followed me into my room.

"Sorry about the party June. I just thought you would be up for it" Mum soothed stroking my hand

When I had arrived home I stumbled in with luggage through crowds partying all around my house. Mum said it was a welcome home party for me.

"Mum il come down an enjoy the party" I replied sitting up

"June baby you look ill"

"Mum stop fussing, am fine. Il come down" I smiled walking over to my wardrobe mirror. I had on jeans an a baggie hoodie so changed into a beige belly top. Than followed my mum downstairs

When I reached downstairs I realised I didn't recognise many people. There was neighbours an mum an dads workmates who brought along there kids/Teenagers. I than spotted my neighbour from a few blocks down her name was Kendra.

"Hey Kendra"

"Hey June, welcome home"

"Aww thanks. How the party for you?"

"Great how was paris?"

"Beautiful Kendra. Just beautiful"

"Lets grab a drink"

Kendra dragged my arm to the kitchen before I could voice a protest

"Kendra I Don't drink sorry"

"Hey why not?" She asked

"Well.... I hate the taste" I lied knowing deep down the real reason was from that night with Mike.......

"Have something sweet tasting. Like this wine"

I nodded a yes an looked around the kitchen once more. Kendra shoved the wine glass in my hand an I drank it down in one

"See June wasn't to bad" Kendra laughed

It wasn't to bad actually it was delicious but I wasn't about to get drunk. Kendra left me alone in the kitchen an I spotted Junior. He use to go our school but left a little while ago. He had brown curly hair an a crooked nose. I tapped his shoulder

"Hi" He said not recognising me

"I'm June, Your Junior right?"

"Yeah a pleasure, how do we know each other" He blushed

"Well you use to go the same high school"

"Oh yes indeed"

"How comes you left?" I asked realising how nosy the question was

"When my mother died June I needed to finish school at home"

I gasp feeling bad for opening my big mouth

"I'm so sorry Junior"

"Its fine you wasn't to know"

I nodded quickly. "Aww well il see you around" I say ready to escape before things get awkward. Walking off I feel Junior pull me lightly

"Hey wait June you Don't have to leave. We was just starting to know each other"

I smiled shyly and we walked off into the garden getting to know each other bit by bit.


Mikes POV

It was after 12pm an I was just about to doze off into a deep sleep when my phone vibrates loudly. I check it through squinted eyes that It was a phone call from Texas.

Not So Bright Teen Life  ✔  Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ