Part 7

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Thanks to Sophia for editing this chapter. Xxxxxxx

Texas' P.O.V

The house is a mess. There are cans, sweet wrappers, bottles, used condoms, everything. I'm not even going to begin to describe the bathrooms toilet contents.

The doorbell rang, and a bright smile spread across my face. Maybe it was one of my best friend's coming to help me clean this mess up...

However, the smile soon disappeared from my face when I saw two uniformed police women.

"Hello miss my name is DC Evans. And my colleague here is DC Nutly. Is your mum here?"

I was confused. Not to mention speechless.

"Miss, what is your name?" Evans questioned, looking me directly in the eye.

"My name is Texas." I whispered, nervously.

"Texas may we come in?" She asked lightly, nodding her head into the room.

"Oh yes ma'am! Sorry, what's wrong?" I asked frantically, leading them over to the sofa in the living room.

"Please take a seat." Nutly replied, gesturing to the sofa cushion.

I took a seat on the sofa, looking Evans in the eyes begging for her to begin.

"What is it? Please just tell me." I whispered.

Why where they taking so long? I thought in my head.

"Texas, we have some news for you and your family. It's about your father, James Deacon." 

Evans answered, looking down at her hands.

"Your father passed away earlier on today." Nutly finished for her, looking at me sadly in the eyes. 

Wow this is so shocking. I haven't spoken to my dad in years. He knew I was staying here with mum, but him and mum didn't get on very well, so he just never came back and had his own life...

"His fiancé Cheryl, asked us to pass the news on to you. We are deeply sorry for your loss." Evans said.

I was stunned that Cheryl even thought to tell us.

"I c-can't believe this..." I stuttered, whispering.

"Is there anything we can do miss?" Nutly inquired.

"May I ask how he died?" I replied, tears springing into my eyes, threatening to spill over.

"Well your father had been very ill for sometime. He was suffering from lung cancer and he-" Evans started, before I interrupted her.

"Okay that is enough!" I shouted, the tears now spilling down my cheeks.

Reality had finally hit me. My dad was dead. Even though all I ever received from him in the past 16 years was a birthday card with £10 note inside, he was still my dad and I still loved him. I know others who have no dad's involved in their lives like me, and hated them so bad. I don't hate my dad though.  

I never got the chance to get to know him.

"Texas, where is your mother?" Nutly asked, a small frown gracing her features. 

I walked over to the kitchen sink, ignoring Miss Evans and went to grab a bottle of water. Going back into the living room, I sat back down on the sofa and wiped the tears from my eyes before looking back up at the policewomen.

"Mum's away on a business trip, she should be back next week." I muttered under my breath, wiping furiously at the tears that were still silently falling down my cheeks.

"Well is there anyone your currently staying with right now?" Nutly asked.

"I'm fine alone here by myself." I smiled slightly, avoiding eye contact once again.

"Well darling, here is my card. Below is Cheryl's number. She says that the funeral is in three days, and she hopes you can make it." Evans said, handing over her business card.

I looked at the card intently. 

"Are you sure you will be okay by yourself?" Nutly questioned, glancing around the room.

I looked up and smiled at her. "Of course! Thank you."

They both left quietly, and I grabbed the card and screwed it up before dropping it in the kitchen bin. There is no way I want to go to dad's funeral. I didn't even know anything about him. I just wished we both could have gotten to know each other before he died.

This really shows how precious life is.

I grabbed my coat, and decided to go for a walk alone.

June's P.O.V

Sitting at Lizz's table eating breakfast she had made me, I watched Luke come downstairs with no shirt on and walk over to Lizz to whisper something in her ear. Lizz's face changed into a sincere, apologetic smile.

"June, how's the breakfast? Is it good?" Lizz tossed over her shoulder, while making more food at the stove.

I looked over to Luke, who was standing beside Lizz, and scowled.

"Look Lizz, I don't now what's going on here, but I ain't stupid. If this guy is treating you wrong, you better tell me." I whispered, looking down at my hands.

"June you better go, I'll call you later. I have a lot to do here.'" Lizz said, raising her voice. However, when she said that, I heard a fake happiness deep within it. This wasn't like lizz

I stood up gulping down the last drops of my water, and set off for the door. I looked back over my shoulder to make sure my eyes fixed on Luke's.

"I need Lizz and her support right now Luke. I can't have her upset, or not acting herself, so you best be keeping your anger under control. Alright?" I said tightly.

Luke smirked, "Get out June. I've heard enough. It's time you go before I have to throw you out" Luke spit out, snarling at me.

I stare past him at Lizz who gives me an apologectic smile. 

Argh! I hate this guy so much. He doesn't even deserve Lizz. She is never even herself around him anyway. 

I stood outside the door, grabbing my phone out my pocket to call Mike. There was no answer though, so I decided to pop by his place. I had to go by to tell him how I felt, and for him to promise he wouldn't tell anyone about what happened.


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