Chapter 1-

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Lucy POV

I looked out past where I was going to fall when Natsu stopped me. I don't get it, why did he stop me from falling? I used to fall for all the boys in my last school, but then i met a boy, and he cheated on me... Which is why I have locked myself away from the world, my father hurts me enough the last thing I need is for some guy to spill all my secrets again.
"Lu!" Levy came up and gave me a big hug.
"Hey levy," I smiled patting her head.
"NATSU-SEMPAI!" A girl shrieked running to Natsu stupidly. Natsu dodged her very slyly and sighed annoyed.
"Hello ladies~" sting said making me shiver from the creepiness.
I started to walk away when I bumped into the three girls who had beaten me up yesterday.
"Oh look it's blondie!"
"Such an ugly girl"
"I mean so hideous!"
"Stay in the shadows, you'd be better to hide" the lead put her hands that had the most fake looking nails I had ever seen.
"Huh, so your nails are fake right?" I asked folding my arms.
" yes, you must be so awed at them cause your too ugly to pull them off" she giggled like a mad man.
"Huh, that makes sense..." I said.
"What?" She said bossily.
"Isn't it obvious, there as fake as you" I snapped at her.
"How dare you ugly girl!" Her side chick snarled.
She gasped and went to slap me, I flinched only to hear a loud clapping like sound, I opened my eyes to see... That player holding her hand away from me.
"Now, I wouldn't call her ugly, look at her for once, she is quite lovely," he said softly as he let go of the lady's hand.
"Leave me alone player! I don't need your help," I shouted at him angrily.
"So you wanted to me smacked? Lucy darling, you don't-"
"DONT YOU DARE CALL ME  DARLING!" I shouted walking away from him.
"Lucy I'm so sorry!" He said following me.
" go away!" I muttered walking faster.
"And let you actually jump off a building?" He asked.
I stopped in my steps," leave me alone!"
"Answer the question" he barked.
"Why does it matter to you? You think you can get me into your fan club?" I asked.
"No! Geez Lucy I don't want you to join a club I just don't really want you to be anything you aren't, I just want to be your friend. " he explained frustrated.
"Fine! I'll be your friend, and only because I don't want you to bother me anymore and you can shoo those girls away." I groaned giving in.
"Thank you Luce" he smiled and I shook his hand.

Man this guy is annoying.

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