Chapter 2

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"Be right back guys, don't eat my food" I said getting up from our lunch table, bingo... There's Lucy, she was at her locker doing something, that something? I have no clue.
I smiled walking to Lucy, thats when i saw the something in her hand and she was saying things to herself, i went over to see her put a mark on her wrist, I immediately ran up took the sharp looking thing away from her.

"what are you doing?!" I asked looking at her arm trying not to gag, I wasn't a fan of hurting yourself on purpose, seeing her do that made my wrists hurt at the thought of it.
"Give me my blade back!" She shouted at me trying to get the blade from my hand.
"No!" I said firmly, I switched the hands of which blade it was in putting the blade in my pocket and made sure she couldn't see where it was.
"I never asked you! Just give me the blade," Lucy wined like a toddler which made me want to laugh but then I realized that this was an important thing and I shouldn't be laughing, or smiling, she was trying to get my mind off of what she just did, I grabbed her hand and cpulled her wrist out in front of my chest. There was only two scratches on her wrist so in that way I had stopped her. I looked into her eyes they were full of sadness.
" Natsu please let go, this looks wro-"
Just then a group of fangirl walked in one gasped and stared at us in shock.
"Did you see that?! Natsu-San is holding her hand out!" One whispered.
"He's kissing her hand!" The second one whispered.
"No it's-" I was cut off my the girls crying.
"Natsu-k-kun! Kiss my hand!" One of the teary girls begged.
"Why are they crying?" Lucy asked me creeped out.
"Let's go before they attack" I was going to grab Lucy's wrist but then I realized her cuts so I picked her up and carried her bridal style.
I had to admit, I kinda liked holding her in my arms.
"Natsu! Don't go-" Lucy was cutt off with murmurs of sounds, when they saw us the lunch room went silent, everyone froze and stared at us.

Caught in everythingOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora