Chapter 3

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"Have you heard?!"
"Yes I have!"
"You guys are so blind! It was obvious!!"
"I think they're cute together!"
"Yeah... But I want Natsu-Kun for mee"
Everywhere Lucy went she heard comments like this and it drove her insane! That dense idiot can't even  think about the time it was! Now everyone thought the two were together. That's when A tall girl shoved Her into a locker.
"So I see that you took away my Natsu from me!" The prissy pink girl had her hands on her hips and smacked loudly on a stick of bubblegum.
"Leave me alone please" Lucy begged her getting up from the hard shove.
"Oooh and you couldn't just leave Natsu alone right? You haaad to just take him" she said annoyed.
"Yeah take him" her side chick ooed.
"Shut up Brittney!" She snapped flipping her short stubby hair.
"That's not my Na-"
"Lu lu la la! Does it look like I care?!" She snapped.
"Okay, I'm just going to go," Lucy said awkwardly sprinting off.
"Hey!" The girl shouted.
She ran straight into Juvia, Juvia turned to see the girls.
"You! You asked gray sama out! And he turned you down!" Juvia had that glint in her eyes that scared Lucy.
"And so? What if I did?" The girl asked sounding annoyed.
"You stay away from juvias gray samma! You don't want to anger Juvia, if you make Juvia mad she'll be very scary" Juvia told her.
"Lis ! That's Juvia! She's  like a yandere!" The girl warned her. 
"The blue girl??" Lisanna shrieked taking a step away from her like she had rabies or some sort of disease the girls ran away scrambling from the scene.
"So you must be Lucy-Chan, Juvia thinks she will trust you sense Natsu-San likes you" Juvia smiled and helped Lucy up from her fall.
"Hey Juvia-Chan!" Levy, a short girl waved walking over to the two, she saw Lucy's wrist that still had the two marks from her blade Natsu stole.
"Lu-Chan!" Levy started to sob and hugged her tightly.
"Huh?" Lucy stared at levy and Juvia started crying and hugged her too.
"Juvia is sad because Her friends are sad! What happened, is Lucy-Chan okay?!" Juvia asked with her sudden outburst of tears.
"Huh?!" Lucy stared at her two friends and Gajeel accompanied with Natsu walked passed them to stop and see the two.
"Hey shr- what happened?!" Gajeel was taken back by levy and Juvias tears.
"What's going on?" Natsu asked suddenly noticing the blondie being squeezed to death by the two girls.
"Lu-lu-lu-Chan has two cuts on her arms!" Levy sobbed out.
"Ju-Juvia is sad cause Levy-Chan is sad and Lucy-Chan is hurt," Juvia sobbed out.
"You guys are soaking my shirt!" Lucy said trying to push them off. Natsu tried not to laugh at her desperation to get them away and he joined their hug.
"Lucy don't hurt yourself" he said joining levy and Juvias wines.
Levy pulled Gajeel into the hug and a cluster of girls awed taking thousands of pictures. But don't worry those pictures would be soon found in the school papers titled;
Natsu hugs his sweet girlfriend after some of his fans, including Lisanna bully her.
Lisanna grabbed the paper and crumpled it, this girl had some nerve telling Natsu that she hurt her!

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