Chapter 5

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I actually laughed in class today, which is more than I have done in a long time. I felt genuinely happy for once, until I left my class, in the hallway I noticed a locker door wide open, and then the realization hit me... That was my locker I ran over to see all my papers drenched in water, all my homework that spent ages to do was all gone, and someone had put broken chocolate hearts on the bottom of my locker...
If it wasn't bad enough before I then after clearing all my trashed work I noticed a note...
And what's even worse is, all it said was correct.
Actual tears started running down my face, and I looked in my locker to see all three of my blades had words on them.
Tears ran down my face harder as I went to the top floor and jumped the gate, I was so done with this, this was the last time I was gong to put up with it, and all the pain would go away. I stood at the edge letting tears run down my face.

Natsus pov
I grinned to myself and went over to Lucy's locker cause it was opened still, expecting to see the neat notes I tucked inside it I was in for a surprise when I saw that the blades I threw away were stuck in there with words on them, I grabbed them and threw them away, and then I looked for Lucy... And then I realized that there was only one place I didn't check yet...
The roof

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