Chapter 10

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When I rushed to the hospital people started informing me of everything that had happened. He had fallen off the edge of the school for a girl, this lady must be special to him.
When we got outside his room there was two girls, one looked like she had stayed up for 5 days, and she was passed out. Then there was a girl with blue hair who had puffy eyes from crying.
"How's he doing?" I asked the girl who was awake.
"They haven't told us yet" she said dryly.
I looked at the blonde and saw several bruises and cuts on her.
"So this is the girl who he saved... I must admit he picked a pretty girl" I said to myself.
"Yeah... That girl was being a big jerk to her and Lucy's family isn't the best already... And the pressure got to her after getting some really bad notes in her locker" Levy said starting to cry.
"Girl? I thought they were eating and they fell... Someone pushed her that badly?" I asked starting to get mad.
"Yeah... I'm pretty sure it's Lisanna, she's a girl with white hair and blue eyes, she and a few other girls pick on her all the time..." Levy told me.
"I'll be right back" I muttered... I had something to do in Natsus absence, and i knew that he would do the same if anyone bullied Mavis.

At school
"Well... It was quite easier than I thought it would be" the girl I guessed was Lisanna crackled.
"Yea, I can't believe she and Natsu got suspended though..." One of her friends said.
"Yeah, I mean what a brat! She took Natsu with her! I mean she would do the world such a favor if she just died!" Lisanna groaned.
My eyes darkened and I walked up to her," excuse me are you Lisanna?" I asked.
"Yeah, who are you? The grim reaper?" She asked.
I took a few minutes to laugh," I wish, sadly I don't have a license to make people kill themselves like you do"

"What?" Lisanna looked at me like I had grown antlers.

"I mean really, how many people have you killed?" I asked her.

"What are you talking about? Lisanna hasn't killed anyone" one of her side chicks snarled.

"Y-yeah! You're a phyco!" she stuttered taken back.
"I mean there's two people I know who almost died because of your stupidity" I snapped.
"What do you mean?" She palled.
"Did you really think Natsu and Lucy got suspended?" I whispered in her ear.

"Well that's what they- you don't know them! How would you know" she laughed.

"No? I thought you knew" I crackled.

"Knew what?" She asked.

"That you are one messed up kid"

"You don't have a right to say that to me!" Lisanna shouted.

"Sure I do"

"Who do you think you are?" She asked me

"Glad you asked, I am Zeref"

"Zeref? What a lame name!" Her friends laughed.

"My last name is Dragneel by the way" I told her.

"Dragneel?! As in Natsus brother?!" She asked.

"Yes, and whitey, lemme tell you something... If you ever come near my little brother or Lucy again"  I started.

"Then what?" She asked stuttering.

"Then I'll show you who the real phyco is" I said smiling.

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